How to remove ingrown hair

How to remove ingrown hair

Ingrown hair, black dots, inflamed tubercles on the skin - a problem arising from many women with unsuccessful and poor-quality epilation, in men - with a frequent shaving. Let's deal with how to get rid of ingrown hair at home, and what you need to do so that the situation does not happen.

Why appear ingrown hair?

Shorting hair after any procedure (hair removal, depilation, shigaring, shaving, etc.) can be prevented if you understand the reason for this process.

  • Removal of hair against their growth. With such a manipulation, there is damage to the cuticle - the outer layer of the hair rod. Incorrectly cropped flakes turn over, glued, which contributes to the rustling of hairs.
  • Abuse scrubs. The everyday use of exfoliating means leads to a sealing of the epidermis, through which it is not easy to break through the hairs.
  • Skin injuries. Unprocessed and incomplete cracks and cuts lead to the scarring of the hair canal.
  • Wrong clothes. Too close underwear, fanging leggings, narrow jeans, etc. rub the gentle skin, leading to a violation of blood flow in the bikini zone (in scientific: in this place, the integrity of the cortex, the inner rod layer is disturbed).

How to remove ingrown hair with folk remedies?

It perfectly cleans the skin and warns the busy of hairs, homemade scrubs used by our grandmothers. The only thing to remember when making drugs - for the bikini zone and the armpits, the composition comes with small pieces, for legs, hands, neck - grains should be larger.

Coffee cleansing

Welcome ground coffee, drain (or use) liquid. In the thick, enter 1 tsp. Olive oil, 3-5 droplets of orange oil and a little liquid soap. Apply Cashitz to bath procedures for all distressed places. Keep moments three, rinse with warm water, blot the body and moisten it with a cream. Sessions do not more often 1-2 times a week.

Salt peeling

This tool helps to quickly remove the burned top layer of the skin, improve blood circulation and water balance. Grind in a coffee grinder 2 tbsp. l. Sea salt, mix it with a tablespoon of almond oil before the formation of a sour creamy paste. On the purified and swap skin (the process is useful after the bath or soul) apply the composition, and Holding a couple of minutes, wash. Next - saturate the skin with nutrient cream or milk.

Herbal sparking

Prepare the chamomile and calendula decoction, taking on 500 ml of water to 5 tbsp. l. raw. Press the flower mass, bring the liquid to the hot state and wet the terry towel in it. Attach the fabric to the place of ingrown hair and keep 5-7 minutes. Swinging up the top layer, you will access the hairs to the exit. Time - once every seven days. The method is good if the hairs are a bit and they are not very tough.

How to remove your hair with a mechanical way?

If the above procedures have not been able to remove the hairs, resort to the help of a tweezers and a sewing needle, but be prepared for the fact that it is a long and painstaking.

It will take:

  • Tissue Nappet.
  • Warm Water Bowl
  • Home scrub
  • Pinzet, needle
  • Antiseptic solution


  1. Clean the skin to the scrub and attach a wet cloth to an incurred hair (according to the type of compress). Keep 3-5 minutes.
  2. Select the tip of the hairs and slowly pull it out.
  3. Hair is not captured? Personate it with a needle, pre-treated with antiseptic, pull up, then pull out the tweezers.
  4. Defencing the damaged place in the fact that there is a first-aid kit: hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, mormistine, in extreme cases, use ethyl alcohol or vodka.
  5. With an inactive removal of the hairs, the hair bag (Nabuch, pulls, pulls). Under such circumstances, lubricate redness with green or iodine (three times a day). Consider, day or two and, if it does not pass, running to a beautician or dermatologist.

As you can see, you can remove ingrown hairs at home, so act neatly, listening to our advice, and your legs will remain smooth and well-keeped for a long time.

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