How to make a pedicure at home

How to make a pedicure at home

The long-awaited summer will come very soon - the time of light sundresses and sandals. Our legs will finally "come out in the light." Now is the time to take care of their beauty and health.

We clean the painted nails with a tampon moistened in a varnish removal fluid.

We make a pleasant relaxing bath for the feet for 10-15 minutes. To do this, you will need: basic, hot water, liquid soap or shower gel, sea salt (optional). It is possible to add an aromaassau in the bath, for example, a ylang-ylang or any other, and the decoction of grass, which has tonic, relaxing or refreshing properties. For these purposes, daisy pharmacy, peppermint mint, needles, calendula and even mustard are suitable.

If you wish, you can combine the bath and the foot massage - on the bottom of the basin lay the layer of sea smooth pebbles. The benefits of such a procedure is obvious.

Pumice or pedicure pave for leather stop processing soles. For a larger effect, we use any scrub on sites with highly erupted skin. Thoroughly wash off clean water. Dry wipe the legs with a terry towel.

Massaging movements in the direction of the fingers to the heels we rub the nutrient cream or butter (suitable as children's cosmetic oil and vegetable).


Power blade with a manicure or orange stick Move the cuticle. Do not cut it, it can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin around the nail.

Pedgots or scissors give nails square shape. So the nails will not grow and get out. Nail on the thumb is not too short, otherwise the finger will rub the shoes. The edges of each nail process the saw.

Degrease your nails with a cotton swab moistened in a varnish removal fluid. We apply on nails the basis for varnish and decorative varnish.

It is not at all difficult at least once a week to care for your legs, while getting a lot of pleasant emotions. These procedures will help not only lead to foot in order, but also will remove stress, fatigue, the severity in the legs and certainly raise the mood.

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