How to quickly cure throat

How to quickly cure throat

Pain in the throat is a feeling familiar to each of us. No one wants to go to the hospital and lie in bed for a long time, so the question arises how to quickly and effectively cure the throat.

Cure chamomile chamomile throat

Rinse throat with a pharmacy chamomile helps to remove inflammation. A large spoonful of dried grass needs to be brewed in 200 milliliters boiling water, after which it is strain. The throat is recommended for a decoction of room temperature. Another 1-effective rinse method is applied - warm iodine, sea salt and soda. For 200 milliliters, boiling water takes 1 teaspoon of salt and soda with the addition of a pair of yeod droplets. To quickly cure the throat, it should be ringed at least 4 times a day.


Cure throat warm tea with lemon

If you felt dry dryness and all over the throat, immediately drink warm tea with lemon. Cut the lemon in half, out of 1 half squeeze all juice into a glass with boiling water and add a spoonful of honey. Lemon is a natural antiseptic, the use of which will allow you to quickly clean the mucosa from viruses and microbes. Lemon tea is recommended to drink 2-3 times a day.

Cure the throat with a cocktail with a horseradish

If you feel pain when swallowing, try making a cocktail with horseradish. Little spoonful wreck root stir with 10 grams of liquid honey and pour with warm boiled water, after which they slowly drink the resulting cocktail. The result you will feel in a couple of minutes.

Cure the throat of the foot bath

Bath for legs can only be done in the absence of temperature. In a basin or a big bowl, pour 2 tablespoons of dry mustard and pour it with hot water. Keep your feet in water 10 minutes.

Cure throat by maintaining high humidity indoors

Due to the dryness of the mucous pain in the throat is only enhanced. You need to take care of maintaining high humidity in the room. Use the humidifier, and if there is no sprinkle room from the spray. If the house already includes heating, you can spend wet towels on the battery.

Cure the throat of tea from the chasty

The positive effect on the treatment has a rinse of the throat of tea from Cabbar. In 200 milliliters, boiling water is brewed 2 tablespoons of dry grass for 10 minutes. After that, the decoction is fastened and you can start riding. It should be remembered that a chamber is a fairly powerful antiseptic, so it is not recommended to use during pregnancy, liver disease and kidney.

Cure throat through inhalation

If you have no temperature, make inhalation. In a small hot water basin, add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil. Cover your head with a towel, lean over the basin and breathe a ferry for 5-10 minutes. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a day.

Cure throat warming

For rapid treatment of throat at home, compresses are often used. Compress is best done at night. Water cotton wool or gauze with vodka, wrap in the package and tight a scarf to the throat. Excellent warming is provided.

Treatment of throat in pregnant women

When pregnant, cured the throat is quite difficult. Allergic in the baby can cause honey citrus and some juices. Thermal procedures are contraindicated with pregnant women, they include steam inhalations.

The optimal method of treating the throat in pregnant women is a rinse with water and soda, irrigation of the throat of sea water, rinse with antiseptics. Please note all actions can be made only after consulting your doctor. The doctor will tell you what herbs and in what proportions are used for infusions, decoctions and teas. Inhalation is better to carry out a nebulizer. Using the irrigation of the throat even simple water will help reduce pain and create unfavorable conditions for the existence of viruses and bacteria.

With a sore throat, special antibiotics are prescribed, which only picks up the doctor.

People's throat treatment methods are quite effective and almost always helps to quickly overcome the disease. However, if the disease does not retreat, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Be healthy.

Comments leave a comment
Alice 04/11/2018 at 11:51

Many ways, as it turns out, but I think, all this needs to be used in the complex. And bacteria in the neck need to kill, for this I buy lizobakt, it is good in this matter. Introduction Additional chamomile and drinking tea with honey.

Marina 23/11/2018 at 21:18.

Always in such cases of Pastille Anti-Angground formula I buy and absorb every 2 hours, but not more than 6 per day. A couple of days in this mode and the throat passes.

Masha 12/21/2019 at 6:17

It is necessary not only to correct the pain, but also the local immunity of the oral mucosa to support that any no longer penetrates inward. I always hold Orvis lysozyme for such cases in the first-aid kit (I order on the shop. Evallar, it is more profitable). With him, truth and throat stops cheating faster))


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