Hair burdock root

Hair burdock root

The root of the burdock was also used by our great -grandmothers to strengthen hair. Burf, grandfather, dog-the plant was called in every way, and from Latin the name translates as "bear". From its root, cosmetologists receive burdock oil, which is a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins. Learn to use hair burdock - and your curls will be strong, silky, strong and not brittle.

Slub of a healing plant used in cosmetology and medicine completely - from leaves to roots. Preparations made from it treat inflammatory processes, improve metabolism, heal wounds, cleanse organs of accumulated toxins, and help improve the functioning of the pancreatic, liver, and kidneys. The root of the plant: nourishes, restores, improves the growth of curls, strengthens the hair follicles, and helps get rid of dandruff and itching.

Arctium Lappa L (burdock ordinary or burden large) grows in huge quantities in the vastness of our country. The strength of its effect is provided by a unique chemical composition:

  • The main components are inulin - Polysaccharide that provides softness and shine.
  • Diverse essential oils - They have a wonderful soothing effect and help get rid of dandruff.
  • Saturated fixed oils - They protect the curls, forming the film, moisturize them, reflecting aggressive weather factors (ultraviolet, sharp temperature fluctuations and other atmospheric jumps).
  • Stigmasterin - An element that is part of not all plants. With daily rinsing of the strands in a decoction of burdock roots, damaged hair cells are regenerated, and broken ends are restored.
  • Bitterness - disinfect and stop the inflammatory processes of the skin.
  • Protein - Strengthens curls, nourishes them after painting and curls improves the structure.
  • Fatty acid - The plant has only two acids (palmitin, stearic), but in large quantities, which makes it possible to moisten any launched hair.

Burdock Apply in different ways. Rub freshly squeezed juice into the skin of the head, prepare masks, creams. In stores and pharmacies there are many money from burdock root, consider those that can be made at home:

  1. Decoction. Constant rinsing will add strength to weakened hair, faded - brightness, strengthen and heal. Pour a tablespoon of cut roots with a glass of boiled water, install on low heat and withstand for 9 minutes.
  2. Infusion. It is made from dried or fresh root. 2 tbsp. Filled the chopped material with alcohol or a glass of hot water. We insist 2 weeks in a darkened room. Next, we dilute with water in proportions 1: 2 and use to strengthen hair. We hold on the head for no more than 25 minutes.
  3. Masks. Grind the root of the burdock in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add vegetable oil 1: 3 to the resulting mass. We heat a little and begin to rub the mixture into the hair roots. We hold for 20-25 minutes. Then my head shampoo.
  4. Juice. Use fresh rhizomes. First, they are washed, cleaned, rubbed, and then placed in gauze or thin fabric and filtered. We carry out all the manipulations quickly, the root of the plant instantly oxidizes. If you need to save the resulting raw materials, add alcohol 1: 1 to the scalp once or twice a week, after previously diluting it in half with water.

  Seborrhea - It is treated with the root of the burdock. Those who suffer from this problem need to prepare a potion that is taken inside. There are several ways to prepare the medicine:

  1. We take 3 tbsp. The ground vessel rhizome burdock and pour 2-3 tbsp. boiling water. As many as half an hour, the plants of the plant are boiled over low heat. Strain after cooling. 0.5 cups are taken in 2-3 doses for the day before meals.
  2. It consists of collecting herbs: burdock root, St. John's wort, Aralia roots, a series, chamomile, corn stigmas and tansy flowers. On a spoonful of composition - a glass of boiling water. The infusion of herbs is held on fire for 20 minutes without boiling. We take 250 grams 2 times every day before meals.
  3. Another recipe consisting of herbal collection. Its composition: burdock root, plantain leaves, St. John's wort, calendula, nettles, mint. We brew a spoonful of herbs on a glass of boiling water. We hold for 20 minutes on fire without boiling. We drink 250 grams of infusion 2 times a day.

Dry root of the burdock is purchased at the pharmacy. But problems can arise with fresh. It should be harvested in autumn or early spring, when the plant contains the largest percentage of useful substances. Dig it deeper and away from the road. Wash the root and leave to dry in a ventilated room. If you do not have time for constant brewing decoctions and cooking masks, cosmetics with burdock root can be a good alternative.

The root of the burdock is suitable for all types of hair. Decoctions and tinctures from it are stored only for a week. After that, they become unsuitable. By providing the necessary care of the scalp and roots, you will get lush and strong hair. Remember - nature is an ideal doctor!

Comments leave a comment
Anna 07/27/2018 at 12:31

I picked up a shampoo for strengthening hair and bought a horses shampoo based on oatmeal surfactants. It has burdock extract and many other plant extracts. And the hair began to fall less after I started using it

Tanya 01/24/2020 at 0:51

Anna, yes, they have good shampoos. I also like with collagen and lanolin. It moisturizes the hair, protects and restores.


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