How to quickly get rid of cellulite

How to quickly get rid of cellulite

There are two main problems with which all life fight Women are overweight and cellulite. And if it is overweight to solve the problem with a diet, then overcome cellulite Extremely difficult.

Where does it come from cellulite

Cellulite - It is acquired over time the skin defect that looks from the side like an orange peel on the body of a woman.

Before moving to the real war with cellulite itself, it is necessary first of all to identify the reason for the appearance of orange peel:

  • In order to determine the root of the evil, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of the products that the female organism consumes and the degree of physical activity of the woman for any time interval.
  • It is also necessary to diagnose hormones, it may have failed against the background of metabolic disorders.

How to quickly get rid of cellulite - methods

If you want to get rid of cellulite, then first of all it is necessary to reconsider your diet and eliminate all bore, oily, sweet and fried foods. Also help can come Gym, bath, various wraps and masks that can be prepared at home.

Cosmetics from cellulite with their own hands

  • Coffee scrub. Take any gel for husky And add coffee thick. Mix the content thoroughly, then with light, massaging movement apply a scrub on problem areas. The procedure should be carried out for 15 minutes, then wash the mixture with warm water. Coffee scrub is recommended to use 2-3 times a week.
  • Ginger scrub. In a special capacity, mix 100 grams of pre-crushed ginger, as many honey, add 10 drops of orange essential oil and assemble a coffee thick with one glass. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and leave for one day for swelling. Conduct scrub Procedure 2-3 times a week before receiving a positive result.

Anti-cellulite wrapping at home

  • Coffee wrap. In a separate container, mix 5 tablespoons olive oil, 60 grams of coffee, a pinch of cinnamon, 3 tablespoons. l. brown sugar, 3 drops of any essential oil and 2 tsp Jojoba oil. Mix the ingredients, then put in a water bath for a few minutes. Moderately heated scrub put on problem areas of the skin, and then processed food wrap film body portion and a towel. After 30 minutes, take a warm shower. Produce coffee wrap is recommended no more than 4 times a week.
  • Grape wrap. In a deep dish, mix 1 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 60 g of coffee oil and 10 drops of prepared from grape seeds. All the ingredients are thoroughly stir until smooth, then apply on the problem areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes, then wrap with cling film. After completion of the cosmetic procedure must rinse with warm water.

Steam treatments and athletic exercises

  • Bath and sauna. Mix 2 tablespoons honey and 1 tbsp rock salt, mix well until smooth. Before each visit baths or saunas apply on problem areas of the body previously prepared mask. It helps to bring a couple of your body as much as possible of harmful substances.
  • Physical exercise. Even for women who have no opportunity to go to a gym, there is an alternative solution to the problem. physical exercises you can do at home. Also, biking, or training with hoop for 1 hour a positive impact on the fight against cellulite.

In fact, get rid of cellulite once and quite simply good. For you must be willing to change yourself for the better.

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