Stoundedherapy - Execution Technique

Stoundedherapy - Execution Technique

Stounterepia is a massage with hot and cold stones. This massage is mainly directed not to cure from any diseases, but on complete relaxation, and then the restoration of the human body.

With the help of Stoundedhera, such positive effects are achieved:

  • increased blood circulation and lymphotok;
  • harmful slags and toxins are derived from the body;
  • muscular tone increases;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • psychological relaxation occurs;
  • depressed;
  • immune system is strengthened;
  • there is an increase in stress resistance.

Some doctors suggest that the Stoneherapy helps with pain in the joints and spine. But it is possible to assert this if the pain is caused by not serious diseases, but an exorbitant physical activity.

Stones are a powerful natural energy, and to enhance the effect of the massage, it is necessary that the situation is close to natural. This is muted light, a thin aroma of candles with oils, relaxing sounds, namely the rustling of foliage, chirping birds, the murmur of water.

Stunterapia session begins with applying aromatic oils on the body. Then along the spine laid out, alternating among themselves, black and white stones. Black is a hot basalt, and white is cold marble. The combination of hot and cold helps to fully relax. After the patient is ready for the main massage with stones, a light preparatory massage is carried out with hands, and after it is already the main phase of the Stounterepia.

Tri -laddi massage

Massage with hot stones (38-40 degrees) begins with stop legs. Then the stones are smoothly moving on the shin and hips. Were warm, stones begin to massage hands, and then wrists and forearms. Gradually, the Stounterapian Master connects both cold stones that move along the same way as hot. At some point, the patient no longer feels the difference in temperatures, and it usually happens when the whole body is massaged by stones. It is at this moment that the opening of the swelling glands begins, the removal of slags, the relaxation of the muscles - comes the full relaxation of the body.

Stones for stounterapics are used only incredibly polished so that they are practically scattered from the body. Traditionally, the session employs 54 hot stone and 16 cold. If the patient feels for a long time the temperature difference, then the massage therapist connects one stone temperature. In addition to basalt and marble, for stounteractions use and jade, which is also good in the energy plan. A good stounterpiece master does not just massage the body sections - it strongly affects stones on energy-active points that are responsible for the work of the body as a whole.

Stounterepia is contraindicated by pregnant women, people with skin diseases, with hypertension and epilepsy. If you do not have these diseases, then visit Stounterapia sessions once every 7-10 days. This is enough to always be cheerful and full of vitality.

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