How to configure yourself to lose weight

How to configure yourself to lose weight

The next diet brought only stress, and kilograms returned? Such a story is familiar to many girls who are trying every Monday to start sticking to the diet.

Often you just break up and without finishing the selected power mode. In such a situation, not only the list of products, but also a psychological attitude is important. About how to raise yourself and achieve the will of the Will when losing weight, read in this article.

How to set yourself up for weight loss - motivation

First of all, you need to love yourself as you are. Diet is not only a certain diet for every day, but also the path to a healthy lifestyle. Often, extra kilograms cause many chronic diseases and enhance the burden on the skeleton.

Now go to a serious and fair conversation with you. Standing in front of the mirror, throw away all doubts and complexes. Determine the most important incentive for weight loss. It can be a beautiful dress for several sizes less, cubes of the press on the beach or new love. In any case, it is important to understand that weight loss is not only a slim figure, but a healthy and happy life.

Once you have taken a weighted solution - make it a slogan for daily motivation during a diet and proceed to an active weight combat.

How to configure yourself slimming - connect psychology

When the target is indicated, it is necessary to determine further actions, before organizing the body shake.

  • Proportions. Determine the desired size of the clothing you are trying to achieve. To do this, visualize it - find your old photo, where you are slender. Or print from the Internet the silhouette of a woman to which you strive to be similar.
  • Diary. Be sure to keep a diary, which indicate the pros weight loss and total body cons. Also measure your original settings and keep track of them. The first days they will not change, but then pleasantly surprised, that will be another positive moment during hudeniya.
  • Emotions. While diet is important to keep track of emotions. Therefore, do not be upset and give up when you do not see results. Weight Loss - this is not a punishment, but a way to a healthy body and a good mood.
  • The support of friends. During food restrictions required to communicate with friends and associates of a healthy lifestyle. Joint experiences will help cope with depression and feelings in such an important period of your life. Also, pay special attention to talk to women who have already achieved results in losing weight.
  • Purchases. Shopping - an excellent idea to maintain the mood. Perhaps you are often looked at the dress in the boutique, which is less than a couple of sizes. Diet - a good reason to buy it! When the thing is in your closet, you will seek to lose weight, to put it on the main party.
  • Self-hypnosis. Auditory training always brings only positive results and diet is no exception. Before the meal setting yourself that you give up unhealthy foods and consume food as much as the body needs to complete the work.

How are you set to weight loss - diet rules

Switching to a healthy diet and giving up favorite foods - it is stressful for the body. Therefore, it is important to observe the small rules, both before and during the diet period.

  • Make a grocery list for the week. First of all empty the refrigerator of "bad" foods, and only fill it with wholesome food.
  • Do not immediately jump on the small portions of food and sharply throwing eating favorite foods. Firstly, lower portions. So the stomach will gradually get used to the new food volume, and you will not be ripped off.
  • satiety comes within 20 minutes after ingestion. So do not quickly absorb all eat slowly.
  • If your new diet involves eliminating carbohydrates, then remove them gradually. For example, first replace the chocolate fruit.
  • Fasting days are important in the diet mode. Arrange mono-diet. When there you can eat only one product (cucumbers or apples). Thus you will give your stomach a rest from the strict diet.
  • Also, do not eat before going to bed, even if it's a light snack. Orgasm need to rest at night and gather strength for the next day.
  • Effective weight loss depends not only from food restrictions, but also exercise. Sporting will help pull the body and acquire the desired muscle relief. If you do not have the opportunity to sign up in the fitness club, then do the exercises yourself. Enter them gradually, so as not to overload the body.
  • Any drugs for weight loss take strictly on the recommendation of the doctor. The body during the diet is weakened and can manifest side effects of the medicine.

To lose weight and not break on the next diet, it is important to properly configure yourself psychologically. Then your favorite dress will not make yourself wait long!

A few more important tips for slimming motivation Look at the video:

Comments leave a comment
Zhanna 06/06/2018 at 14:38

In fact, motivation is very important. Without it, you will not leave. I could not find it for a long time, therefore there were constant breakdowns. Now I participate in the competition from TNT-there is a ticket to the Seychelles, so I caught fire so much and I dream to win that the legs themselves lead to the gym, and the mouth on the castle holds))

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