How to lose 5 kg per week

How to lose 5 kg per week

Extra kilograms can deliver a lot of inconvenience, especially if you have an important event, a photo session, a meeting or a date. Fasting, pills for weight loss and other "miraculous" means can harm their health. Read in this material on how to get rid of 5 kg per week.

So that the process of slimming has not become a huge stress for the body, take a few simple rules for weapons.

  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours. During sleep, hormones are produced, contributing to burning fat: Grethin and Leptin.
  • Drink at least two liters of pure water per day. It contributes to the cleansing of the body, relieves sense of hunger and helps save skin tone.
  • Take your emotional state. If you are suppressed, experienced a strong psychological load or are in a state close to depression, additional stress in the form of losing weight can harm you.
  • If you have health problems or chronic diseases, do not forget to get a doctor's advice.
  • Remember that weight loss is a comprehensive process. It should include not only a diet, but also physical exertion.

As for nutrition, a week to give up baking, sweet, fatty. If you are difficult to do it, try to take such food until 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Be sure to add fruits, vegetables, porridge to the diet. By volume of portions, there should be equal to two of your cams, no more. Optimal will be eating, consisting of proteins (fish, meat, chicken), complex carbohydrates (buckwheat, lentils) and fiber (fresh vegetable salad). Try not to eat two hours before the departure to sleep.

If you want to lose weight quickly, you can not do without exercise. For quick weight loss, aerobic loads are suitable: running, exercise bike, fast walking on the track, cardiotrans. They quickly remove excess liquid from the body and lead the body into tone. To enhance the effect, add exercises to the main muscle groups: press, hands, legs and buttocks. If you plan to continue sports after week weight loss, be sure to include power loads in your program.

The following additional procedures for body care are helped to quickly lose weight:

  • Bath, sauna, cedar barrel. The body from slags is eliminated, outlet of an excess liquid, help to make the skin smooth.
  • Massage. You can contact a specialist or make self-massage, looking at the video clips on the Internet.
  • Lymphatic procedures: pressotherapy and LPG.
  • Baths with sea salt and turbid baths Zalmanova. When applying the latter, be sure to read the instructions.

To obtain a larger result, you can make several unloading days to your plan:

  • Kefir. Prefer degreased.
  • Vegetable. Any vegetables are permitted except potatoes.
  • On fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Refuse banana and grape juice - they contain too much sugar.
  • Apple. Choose green unsweetened varieties.
  • Protein. Fish, boiled meat or chicken, eggs.

To obtain a guaranteed result, experts recommend comprehensively approaching weight relief. Then kilograms will not return back.


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Mountain Lesya 04/07/2017 at 19:29

Daaa, all right, there is less, move more, sleep as a baby, not nervous and not to get tired. People, where are you from? Not from the planet Earth or what? Or not from Russia? Or am I not from this reality? Well, at least sleep to take? I have a baby for 3 years, my husband works and I work. I arrive with running running running to the garden. There she collected, under the mouse of this comrade and home jog! came running, you need to cook dinner. I found out, cut off, my husband met, fed the men, the dishes shook, swept away, I was put to sleep, I sat down, flooded the floors, the next day everything prepared everything, to sleep in an hour or two nights. In the morning I got up, I gathered, fed, myself, I left, got into the garden, ran to work. Maybe I'm sitting at work? Yeah. 20 minutes for the whole day. And so on the heel downloaded, like a blacksmith and everything in a circle! Where are the extra kg? Or I still in the morning to insert. Or maybe you have no stress? Yes, then in the garden 4000 thousand hand over, then the slides quagged down, then the car scratched, then with the report he crushed. Well, what to say ... I don't know how you have time to do sports and sports.

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