You can remove papillomas using a laser or coagulation, but it is quite expensive procedures that can be replaced by safe treatment at home. There are many ways to bring these formations at home, but it is necessary to do it extremely careful. To get rid of the virus not enough to remove papilloma. In some cases, this can cause the virus activation, that is, new papillomas will appear.
Remember! It is impossible to turn or cut such formations, because they may cause cancer cells. At home, it is also impossible to treat them in the throat, in the eyes, in the mouth.
How to treat papillomas at home with adhesive tape
Special medical adhesive tape will help remove papillas. A solution impregnated with a solution is pasted on the desired area for about six days. Then moisten with water and take care gently. Papillomas are removed from the first time, and if it did not happen, the procedure must be repeated.
How to treat papillomas at home - vegetable agents
With some plants, you can get rid of neoplasms:
- Aloe. Moisten a cotton disk in the juice of the plant and put it on papillae, fasten with the help of a patch. The procedure must be repeated every three hours. Within two weeks, education should disappear.
- Dandelion. From the heads of blooming dandelions get alcohol solution. To do this, fill the container with plants, pour them with a triple cologne, let it be in a dark place for two weeks. Processing the skin several times a day. Solution to store in the refrigerator.
- Garlic. This component is very effective in combating neoplasms. To do this, make garlic and mix it with cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the bandage and attach to a problem area for several hours. After that, remove the bandage and rinse with someone with soapy. The procedure needs repetition within a month.
- Custlane juice. The fresh plant is ideal, but the pharmacy extract is also effective. The use of this vegetable component causing papillas several times. Before you apply juice, you need to smear the skin with cream.
How to treat papillomas at home - m Oil - These are quite popular substances in traditional medicine. For example, tea tree oil perfectly copes with skin formations. It is necessary to apply it on papillas every day until it disappears.
Castor oil is also an effective tool in the fight against the disease. It is necessary to apply it before bedtime, and wash off in the morning. Cleaning of the skin occurs through several procedures.
How to treat papillomas at home - other home methods
Food products can also help remove education. These are such products:
- Banana peel. The inner side of the skins wipe the neoplasm a couple of times a day. You can achieve effect in a few weeks.
- Husk Luke. The husk is placed in the container, pour vinegar. Then cover the cloth and remove in a dark place. After the solution is imagining, pull the husk and dry. To impose it in several layers on the necessary section before bedtime, and in the morning to remove and treat vaseline.
How to treat papillomas at home - chemical
At home can be treated with chemicals. These procedures bring insignificant discomfort, but thanks to them you can quickly forget about the problem. If it is inactively used to use such drugs, then you can damage healthy skin.
- The most popular and efficient preparation is super cleanliness. First you need to handle the skin around the formation by any cream, and only then apply the tool. You need to repeat the procedure several times until the dryer.
- A drug Threekacid also enjoys popular. This oil liquid is applied to a problem area until complete drying. The effect of the drug is that it coagulates skin proteins, and it destroys the neoplasms.
How to treat papillomas at home - bath
From plant components can be prepared:
- Baths for hands from slanting beds. To prepare the solution you need 3 tablespoons of plants. Then pour them with boiling water (2 glasses), then insist and strain. You need to soar your hands in a hot solution for 10 minutes.
- Baths from horse chestnut. Bath cooking: Paul of chestnuts pour hot water and insist. Taking baths are needed for half an hour and watch out the water temperature (optimal 40 degrees). To obtain an effect you need to take baths every other, maximum 8 times.
Before you begin to treat Papilloma, you must consult with a professional worker. If there is a possibility that the formation of malignant, then it is necessary to remove it only by the doctor and to expose it to histological examination.