Vishnevsky ointment - from what helps?

Vishnevsky ointment - from what helps?

Despite the tremendous selection of new therapeutic drugs, the ointment of Vishnevsky's ointment is still in demand among patients and among physicians. The balsamic liniment (another name of the popular fund) successfully combines high therapeutic efficacy and available cost. In what cases will the ointment of Vishnevsky be useful?

Useful properties of Mazi Vishnevsky

The therapeutic effect of the medication was determined by the active substances included in its composition. These include birch tar and xeroforms in the amount of 1.2 g per tuba in 40 g. The auxiliary components are castor oil and anhydrous silicon dioxide (aerosil). Brown ointment has a creamy texture and a pronounced smell.

Drug components provide:

  • Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and irritant action. Natural antiseptic Birch Dellow showed high efficiency in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The disinfection and drying properties of the liniment ensured the part of xeroform. The substance has a binding effect.
  • Wrong and mitigating effect - the merit of castor oil. This component stimulates cell regeneration processes, thereby accelerating the wound healing processes.
  • Deep warming of tissues (again, thanks to the inclusion in the composition of castor oil).
  • Aerosil (silicon dioxide) refers to the number of auxiliary components, but also has therapeutic benefits - acts as an absorbent.

Ointment is used exclusively for outdoor application.

What helps the ointment of Vishnevsky?

The line refers to the category of antiseptic drugs that showed good results when treating purulent lesions. The components of the drug contribute to the more rapid ripening of the foci of the exudate accumulation and the removal of the latter. In addition, after a breakthrough at the site of the defeat, a scar is not formed.

  • Acne, furuncules, acne.

If there are inflammatory lesions of the dermis, it is necessary to either simply apply ointment on acne, or make bandages with therapeutic liniment. The second method is suitable in the presence of extensive lesions of the skin. The bandage is fixed with a bandage or leucoplasty and leave for 8-10 hours. Thereafter, chlorhexidine leather treatment should be carried out. If the rashes are unity, the line is applied point and updated every 2 hours.

  • Abscesses of different etiology.

After removing the purulent content, apply ointment to a clean napkin and attach it to the place of defeat. Fix the compress the bandage. Exposure time is not more than 6 hours. After that, the bandage is removed and the wound is processed by an antiseptic (preferably without alcohol content).

  • Prolesidery.

As soon as the patient has segments of redness of the skin, it is necessary to immediately begin to process them (lubricate) with the ointment of Vishnevsky.

  • Burns, frostbite

The line speeds up the processes of regeneration and restoration of tissues. It is important to remember that this remedy is not superimposed on fresh lesions, but applied at the wound healing stage. The absorbent property of the drug will absorb excess fluid.

  • Trophic ulcers, psoriasis.

Treatment is made by imposing dressings with ointment to the inflammation sites.

  • Diseases of the gynecological sphere. The list of indications for the use of ointments of the Vishnevsky in this area got inflammatory processes of ovaries, uterus and its appendages - spikes in phallopy tubes, erosion of the uterine neck, endometriosis (inflammation of the uterine tissues). The liniment also accelerates the healing of postpartum breaks. At the same time, the ointment will not be effective in relation to viral and fungal diseases of the intimate sphere.

The treatment is made by introducing tampons impregnated with 15 g of healing ointment, deep into the vagina. Impact time - night. The average therapeutic course is 10 days. If necessary, after a 10-day break, it can be repeated. Before holding any manipulations, it is strongly recommended to obtain a consultation of a gynecologist.

  • Schimorite. After consulting with the ENT-doctor, the ointment of Vishnevsky can be appointed as an integral component of the healing mixture for impregnation Turund.

It is necessary to connect in equal parts of the juice juice, honey, the line and the root of cyclomes. Mix the components to impregnate cotton swab and send the last for 30 minutes to the nose. Nasal moves must be pre-cleaned (washed with brine).

The main contraindication to the use of Vishnevsky ointment is the individual reaction of hypersensitivity on the drug components.

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