How to take Pyrantel

How to take Pyrantel

Pyrantel is an affordable and modern anthelmintic drug. It effectively displays parasites from the body, but to obtain a good result, you need to know how to take it correctly.

Pyrantel - composition, appearance, action

The active substance of the drug - pyrantel pyomolat. This substance quickly immobilizes round worms (nematodes) due to the oppression of their neuromuscular system. After that, all helminths will soon leave the body with hiding masses.

PIRANTEL paralizes only imperceptible, as well as adult parasites of both sexes, but does not affect the larvae and eggs. Therefore, to destroy a new generation of worms, the pyrantel must be taken twice with the interval of three weeks.

Pyrantel is produced in two pharmaceutical forms:

  • Tablets - have a yellow color and capsule form. They are designed to receive inside regardless of the power mode. Each tablet contains 250 ml of active substance (pyranthel). In addition, there is starch, talc, magnesium stearate, lactose in the preparation.
  • Suspension - designed for kids. The liquid has a gentle yellow color and strawberry fragrance. In 5 ml of the drug contains 250 ml of pyrantel, as well as several additional substances: sorbitol, flavoring, rice oil, citric acid.

Important! During the reception of the Pyrantel is not required to take a laxative. The exception is the state of chronic constipation, especially in young children.

Pyrantel - Indications and Contraindications

This is an anthelrmatic agent is prescribed after clinical confirmation of the presence of parasites in feces or blood. Since the PIRANTEL is active only with respect to round worms, the testimony for its purpose serves:

  • Ankilostomomosis.
  • Enterobiosis.
  • Trichocephalosis.
  • Ascaridosis.
  • Bedatery.
  • Mixed invasions.

Pyrantel's contraindications are not many:

  1. Liver disease.
  2. Hypersensitivity to the composition.
  3. Age under 1 year.

Important! During pregnancy, the reception of the PIRANTEL is unwanted, but if there is good testimony, anti-shine therapy can be carried out under the supervision of the doctor.


The dose and the period of receiving the pyrantel is determined by the form of the drug, the type of parasites and the age of the patient.

Pyrantel in tablets is accepted in accordance with such recommendations:

  • With enterobiosis and ascariasis, 1/2 tablet (125 ml) was shown for children after three years for every 10 kg of mass; For adults with a mass of up to 75 kg - 3 tablets, and for adults with a body weight more than 75 kg - 4 tablets.
  • With ankylosomidosis and noncatorosis, the dose is preserved the same, with a complicated form - a dose increases to 20 ml per kilogram of the body per day. The total dose is divided into three receptions, the duration of treatment is 3 days.

Pyrantel suspension is designed for kids and teenagers. The reception scheme looks like this:

  • With enterobiosis and mixed invasion, up to 12 years old need 125 ml of the drug for every 10 kg. Teenagers with weight up to 75 kg - 750 ml, over 75 kg - 1 g.
  • When ascariasis shows 5 ml / kg of one-time.
  • With tricocephalosis, 10 ml / kg of mass is prescribed for 5 days.

Important! For the successful removal of helminths, it is recommended to adhere to strict hygiene rules, as well as pass again after 3 or 4 weeks.

PIRANTEL - a list of adverse reactions

Pyrantel, falling into the body, can have a certain negative impact on the overall condition of a person. From side effects most often manifests:

  • Minor dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Apply nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Anxiety.
  • Allergic rash.
  • Anorexia.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Detection of hepatic indicators.
  • Spasms in the stomach.

Important! During the reception of the Pyrantel, it is better to abandon driving, because it is possible to slow down the reaction of the nervous system.

PIRANTEL is an efficient and well-affordable anthelmintic agent. But given its influence on the body, it is important to take it only on the testimony and in compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.

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