Boric Acid in Ear - Application

Boric Acid in Ear - Application

Boric acid - an inexpensive means of antiseptic action, long and successfully used to treat various ailments. The latter refers and Otitis - the defeat of the middle ear, accompanied by the formation of an inflammatory focus in it. How to use the drug in this case?

Boric acid - composition and effect of the drug

Boric acid refers to the category of antiseptic (disinfecting) means of local action. The active component of the medicine is actually boric acid. The drug is produced in powder form of 10 g in each package and as an alcohol solution of 10 ml in the vial (concentration of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3%). To facilitate the state and relief of the focus of infection in diseases of the ears, a 3% drug solution is used.

Long, as well as uncontrolled use of the drug can provoke the development of allergic and toxic reactions.

Ear therapy using boric acid - the subtlety of therapeutic procedure

It is worth noting that any other medicine does not seem safely, to independently appoint it to yourself, and even more so children, in no case cannot. During the treatment of otitis, the drug is a component of an integrated therapy, to assign a doctor.

Installing ear boric acid

Treatment of diseases of the ear with the participation of orthoboric acid occurs as follows.


  • 3% boric acid.
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Sterile wool.
  • Pipette.
  1. Ear processing begins with its cleaning. For this, hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. Turn the head side so that the patient's ear is directed up. Install in ear sink a couple of drops of solution. After a couple of minutes, carefully wipe the ear with a cotton swab. So you clean it from sulfur, thereby improving the penetration of boric acid.
  2. Next, you dial 3-4 drops of boric acid into the pipette and instill it in an affected ear. We are waiting for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Tighten your head in the opposite direction and remove the residues of the liquid.
  4. Enter your woven tampon in the ear.
  5. The procedure is performed 3 - 4 times a day. Before injection of ear, the boric acid should be heated a little hooked the bottle in the hands.

If, in parallel with boric acid, the doctor prescribed antibacterial drops, the latter should be born no earlier than an hour after the injection of boric acid.

Gauze Turunds with Ortoboric Acid

An alternative method of treatment with the use of this drug is the introduction into the hearing course of a womb turndage with a boric acid.

  • From a sterile bandage cut strips from which small flagellas are forming.
  • Welcome Turund in Boric acid (3%) and enter it into a patient's ear.
  • The procedure is performed overnight.
  • In the morning you remove the bandage, instil your ear and insulating it by installing a dry cotton swab.

The course of treatment by boric acid during the disease otitis should not last more than 7 days.

Therapy by the drug may be accompanied by negative reactions in the form of headaches, nausea and confusion of consciousness.

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