What to smear burns?

What to smear burns?

Burns of varying degrees can bring serious pain and even become a threat to life. Easy pain, and accelerate healing will help special ointments. They can be bought in a pharmacy or prepared by their own. Independent treatment does not mean a refusal to help the doctor. Recovery must be held after consulting and inspection of the burn by a specialist.

How to determine the degree of the resulting burn?

The choice of ointments and treatment as a whole will depend on the degree of the resulting burn. Than he is stronger, the more intense should be therapy.

The doctor will easily determine the degree of defeat, but in the event that there is no way to contact him, you can learn it yourself.

Distinguish 4 degrees of burns:

  1. It is characterized by small edema of fabrics and non-agile redness. For recovery, herbal ointments and tincture are commonly used. Finally, the burn will heal at about 4 - 5 days.
  2. For this degree, the appearance of bubbles is characteristic. They may not occur immediately. Filled bubbles with transparent liquid. Such a phenomenon is a protective reaction so that the infection does not hit where the skin has not yet arose. Healing can last 7 - 10 days. And if infection got into the wound, then this process can take 2 weeks.
  3. The appearance of leather color. The damage zone becomes gray or black. In this case, without strong ointments do not do. Consultation doctor is obligatory.
  4. Defeat and overall not only the skin, but also the nearest muscles, tendons. Even bones may suffer. The process of skin rejection can last a few weeks. In this case, hospitalization is necessary. Often the scars and scars remain on the place of the burn, from which it is impossible to get rid of.

Experts can actually evaluate the degree of burn only on the second day of its occurrence. Then it will be exactly known whether the skin is dead and in what quantities.

Than to smear burns: pharmacy

Most often, the person who gained burn resorts to medication. This is a true solution, because they contribute to a faster healing, the pain is eliminated as much as possible and are easily applied.

All drugs can be divided into:

  1. Aerosols. It is convenient to use them immediately after getting a burn. The tool will immediately reduce pain and swelling, remove redness. In addition, the aerosol is easy to apply on the skin without touching it. The minus of this method - to it should be resorted only if there are no open wounds.
  2. Gels. Can additionally moisten the skin. They are also easily applied and quickly eliminate burn consequences. Light texture allows skin to "breathe." Minus - at 3 and 4 degrees of defeat they are not used. Even with 2 degrees, not all gels are effective.
  3. Mazi have a more dense texture, because they can be used even as compresses. They contribute to rapid regeneration of the skin, therefore can be selected even at 3 degrees of burns.
  4. Creams, like ointments, have a more dense consistency and have a positive effect on the defeat area.
  5. Napkins and dressings - first aid tools for burns. They are impregnated with a special composition, which will reduce the consequences of the incident. Their great advantage is the possibility of using in the field.

There are a lot of pharmacy with an excellent reputation. The most popular:

  • Panthenol;
  • Olavol;
  • Bepanten;
  • Decantenol.

What to smear burns: home remedies

At home, you can also reduce the pain and consequences of the burn. There are several proven ways. Here are some of them:

  1. Apply a small layer of toothpaste with menthol on the burned body. It will not allow you to quickly evaporate moisture. As a result, the skin will not disappear, the pain will decrease, swelling will fall.
  2. Aloe is also effective in burns. It is necessary to wash his sheet, cut in half, attach to the burn and navigate. You can also make it a mush and put on the wound.
  3. Strong black or green tea should be applied to burns and bandaged. Due to this improved blood circulation and healing process will be accelerated.
  4. Cabbage leaf and pulp from raw potatoes can eliminate the swelling and reduce pain. In addition, these products are often there is always at hand.

Fast cure burn household methods can be only if it is 1 or 2 degrees. More serious lesions necessarily be treated under medical supervision. Also from the popular recipes should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • burn was a child;
  • burned neck, groin, or face;
  • high temperature or poor health of the patient.

Burns can not only leave behind the scars and scars, but also cost life. Therefore, operational intervention is a sure way to minimize their consequences. The choice of means depends on the degree of skin damage, the circumstances in which the patient is located. If the burn is small, then the simple means of traditional medicine will be enough. If we are talking about burns 3 and 4 degrees (and sometimes 2), then without the help of the doctor can not do.

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Galya 10/20/2018 at 14:54

It all depends on the degree of burn and its square, I love more foam.

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Varya 10/21/2018 at 15:45.

Panthenolprey I have in the first-aid kit, but this is not an ointment, of course, but an aerosol that is much more convenient. I take medicinal, not cosmetics, it is easy to distinguish with emoticon on a bottle and inscriptions, which is produced in Europe. So he treats burns perfectly.

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Olga 07/13/2019 at 23:42.

Apply Radaev with a sunburn. Notice that after applying, pain and burning stuffed. Used a few days, as a result, it was even possible to avoid peeling the skin. Houses in everyday life also had to use this ointment when burning from iron and splashed vegetable oil. Good ointment!

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