In every of the frequent skin injuries is a burn from boiling water. And it is not surprising, as in most cases you contact in the kitchen with hot food and boiling liquids. During the production of thermal burn, it is necessary not only to stop painful sensations, but also not to give complications from injury. At the same time, it is necessary to assist in a timely manner and not allow the heat to spread further on the skin.
What is categorically impossible to do with boiling water burn
First, before trying to assist, you need to stick to strict conditions. It is advisable to learn them in advance and teach your children how to act in such a situation.
- Immediately after injury, it is impossible to apply mixes from burns. First, it is necessary to clean the wound from pollution and reduce the temperature from thermal damage. In this case, only cold water will help you. Lower the affected skin into it for a few minutes.
- It is categorically impossible to use ice wound to cool, although it can quickly cool it. A sharp temperature difference further injures the skin.
- During the first procedure, do not attempt to remove sticking clothes. Otherwise you will harm even more. The fabric should neatly trim around the wound.
- Any alcohol-containing agents, dairy products, vinegar and toothpaste are considered irritants of the skin. Therefore, folk ways to deal with burns from boiling water here do not work.
- Also, do not use any oil based on oil. They will create a film on the scene of the burn and block the access of oxygen, and will also prevent the wound cooling.
- Do not disturb the skin sheath on the burn (blisters). They protect the wound from infection, and even through a small puncture, bacteria and viruses can pass.
What to do with boiling water burn - first aid
- After the burn, it is important to immediately stop the spread of the heat. To do this, lower the place with the wound into cool water. Since the cooling process is quite long, then keep the affected area about 15-25 minutes in it. But this is the total exposure time of the cold, every 2-3 minutes take a break in a few seconds and then continue processing.
- If the affected area is small or inconvenient to keep this part of the body in the water, then apply a segment of gauze to the wound. As possible, wet it in chilled water.
- If possible, raise the affected area up. So you will slow down blood circulation, which will help reduce pain. With a person's extensive burns, you should immediately put it vertically, and give a break from stress while you will handle wounds.
- When the burn is large enough, then in the first minutes you need to take analgesic to remove the pain.
- After cooling, the wound should be treated with special medicines. The preparation "Panthenol" has proven very well. It is sold in a pharmacy in different forms, but the aerosol is best suited for burns with boiling water. So the remedy is sprayed onto the wound, covers it with foam and quickly starts to act.
- If you do not have such drugs, then you need to apply an antiseptic in powder. Grind tablets and sprinkled them on the wound.
- Then be sure to put a sterile bandage. To do this, swallow the usual bandage several times, cool down and make the wound. Do not tighten the bandage at the place of damage to the skin to avoid even larger defeats. After 5-7 hours, remove the bandage to get the air to the wound. Then make it again.
- If the burn is obtained by a child, you should immediately call medical care. Also, if an adult has gained burns on a sensitive place or it is large, then urgent hospitalization is necessary.
- In the future, use ointment or solutions to accelerate wound healing. You can appoint them only the attending physician.
What to do with boiling water burn - folk remedies
If there was no preparations for burning burns, then apply folk methods. They were tested by our grandmothers for years and inspire confidence.
- Food soda will help to cope with light damage. Make out of it Cashitz and, after cooling the skin, apply on the wound to 15 minutes. Then remove the remains of soda with a damp cloth. She will remove pain and will not give to formulate blisters.
Important! Folk remedies can only be used on solid crust rays, which is formed 2 days after injury. Prior to this, the wound processing is carried out only by pharmaceutical drugs, as it is necessary to prevent bacteria from entering it.
- For the treatment of the burn, a famous plant is suitable since childhood - the plantain. Mature leaves in the fresh form must be thoroughly rinsed and squeeze juice. Apply it in pure form for 10-15 minutes three times a day. Fluid residues from the wound do not wash off.
- Remove inflammation and remove the edema from the burn will help tea leaves. Welcome tea, cool and wet in it a sterile segment of gauze. Out the compresses for 7-9 minutes as often as possible throughout the day.
- Pumpkin will cope with little inflammation and slightly remove pain. Grind her flesh in a blender and attach to the wound from the burn. Leave the juice to absorb the wound, then remove the cassea with a damp cloth.
Upon receipt of a burning from boiling water, it is important in the first seconds to give a person help. To do this, carefully examine these recommendations so that if necessary, immediately proceed to action.