What to do with a burn?

What to do with a burn?

Thermal burns are one of their most dangerous damage to the skin, which are accompanied by a strong painful syndrome. As a rule, a person gets burns when contact with hot objects: iron or electrical appliances, as well as boiling liquids. The faster the affected help will be provided, the less dangerous is the consequences of injury. What to do under the household burn and what is strictly forbidden, read further.

Burn boilingcoma

The most common cause of the thermal burn in everyday life is boiling water.

  • First aid when coating boiling water - cooling the surface of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with cold running water about 10-20 minutes.
  • After washing the wound, you need to apply panthenol, fries or another drug against burns and impose a sterile bandage.
  • If the pain from burn is strong, it is recommended to use any painkillers.

Burn hot oil

Often there are cases of burn hot oil. The sequence of assistance in such an injury is identical, as when boiling water is coving. However, it is possible to remember that hot oil is capable in a short period of time spread to the deep layers of fabrics. Since its density is much higher than that of the water.

  • If there is hot oil on the skin, you need to immediately wash the scene of the burn with cold water.
  • When the temperature decreases, paracetamol can be taken, ibuprofen and lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected skin with bepanten or panthenol.


Hot sunny days spent on the beach give us not only a pleasant stay and relaxation, but also sunburns. The reason for obtaining the burn is a long-term destruction under direct solar rays and dissemination by means of protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet. Sunny burn is accompanied by redness of the body, increasing the temperature, inflammation of the skin and pain. If a person feels chills, nausea and vomiting, he needs help medicines.

Often a long stay in the sun ends those only a strong burn, but also a thermal impact and dehydration. What to do with sunburn?

  • If the overall health is stable, you need to take a cold bath or shower to reduce body temperature.
  • Apply a drug against burns on the skin.
  • To remove the pain syndrome, accept any painting drug.
  • To reduce the swelling of the tissues and itching, it is necessary to take an antihistamine drug (Supratine, Tuewell).

Thermal burn household subjects

  • The first thing to be done after injury is to wash the burned area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with cold water or attach a cold compress to it for 10-15 minutes.
  • If after water procedures, the integrity of the tissues is not broken, the skin should be lubricated by the anti-rim and impose a sterile bandage.
  • If watery blisters appeared after the injury, they are forbidden to open or burst so as not to lead to infectious infection of tissues.
  • In severe pains take painkillers.

What is strictly forbidden to do with burns?

  1. Apply on damaged vegetable oil, fermented dairy products, urine.
  2. Apply to the wound ice, as you can cause frostbite to the skin.
  3. Coating the burning injury against the burn before cooling the skin with water.
  4. Open blister and independently clean the wound from the remnants of clothing on the skin.

Burn is an injury that requires immediate assistance and clear actions. Observing all the rules that need to be adhere to in burn injury, it is possible to avoid long-term wound healing and possible complications.

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