What to do when frostbite?

What to do when frostbite?

Fraud is a rather dangerous condition when cold conditions provoke a spasm of blood vessels. The untimely elimination of the lesion causes deeper damage to the tissues and irreversible processes.

Any part of the body that is poorly protected from low temperatures can become the area of \u200b\u200brisk. The first actions that must be taken on the street will depend on the destination and the deadlines for assisting.

We recognize frostbite

A sense of pain or a sign of a poorly protected part of the body on a frosty day is not always fraught with frostbite. For such a state, a temperature of -10 ° C and quite high humidity are required. In the absence of normal heat transfer in clothes, even + 8 ° C is enough to get frostbite. Most people do not notice the problem in a timely manner and do not take appropriate measures. The risk of frostbite provoke:

  • strong feeling of hunger;
  • drunk state at low temperature, when the vessels are significantly expanded;
  • limited movement, dense or tight -fitting clothing;
  • diseases with circulatory disorders or diabetes;
  • big loss of blood.

The depth of penetration (degree of frostbite) is really evaluated only in a warm room and then not immediately.

We are saved from frostbite in the room

At the first signs of frostbite, start insulation:

  • Strongly protect your head with a hood or pull on the hat.
  • With soreness, raise a taller sweater collar or wrap your face with a scarf. This action will reduce the depth of tissue damage.
  • With the hands of hands, hide them in the axillary areas.
  • While on a frosty day on the street, wrap in the nearest supermarket or pharmacy. The best option is to stay in a closed room for about 10 minutes and warm up with a hot drink.
  • When stiffened, you should think about an additional pair of socks.
  • Try to move more: often gesticulate with your hands, clap, tackle, which will improve blood circulation, and reduce the degree of local damage.

First aid

If the patient gets into heat, the following manipulations must be performed:

  • knead frostbite areas to restore blood circulation;
  • remove cold clothes immediately;
  • pour water into the container, making sure that its temperature is not higher than 26-28 ° C;

  • cover the frostbitten parts of the face with a warm palm;
  • dip arms and legs into the water for 10 minutes, and attach a clean fabric to the reddened areas of the face;
  • the water temperature should be gradually increased to 37 ° C in 40 minutes;
  • in the absence of water, you can wrap the problem areas with foil, wrap in a blanket or attach a heating pad with a water temperature of no more than 30 ° C;
  • warm the victim with warm tea.
  • After all manipulations, apply a thermal insulation bandage of several layers to the lesion: a sterile napkin, a layer of cotton, several layers of bandage, close with polyethylene and insulate with wool.

We provide assistance correctly

Sometimes screaming itself is terrible, but an illiterate assistance. Remember, with local damage it is impossible:

  • warm the stiff area near the fire or lean against the battery;
  • apply oil ointments (this must be done, before reaching the cold, and not after);
  • rub the snow or ice so as not to damage the vessels;
  • take alcohol;
  • wipe areas with alcohol.

Froofing: after 6-12 hours

  1. A bluish or red-violet shade and swelling of the skin after warming indicates the 1st degree of damage. She is treated at home. The pain is relieved by any anesthetic: ibuprofen or analgin. These drugs are taken according to the instructions, but not higher than the maximum dose.
  2. If, on the 2nd day, several bubbles have formed at the site of edema, this is a sign of the 2nd stage of cooling. In this case, a consultation of the surgeon is needed.
  3. The affected area with bloody bubbles and white skin is a sign of the 3rd or even 4th degree of frostbite. Such victims are treated in burn centers using droppers and drugs. In the medical center, the patient's condition is monitored around the clock. With deep hypothermia, the removal of dead tissues is indicated.

Home protection products

Homeless improvises can greatly alleviate the discomfort caused by symptoms of frostbite.

  • The antibacterial properties of mustard oil will help to avoid infection. It improves blood circulation and recovery rate in the affected areas. Heat a little oil and carefully massage the injured area two to three times a day.
  • Olive oil acts on the principle of mustard.

  • Ginger is known for its miraculous forces. Its anti -inflammatory and analgesic properties reduce pain, relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation. The thin slices of ginger carefully wipe the skin areas of about 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. Eating 200 ml of ginger tea (once a day) helps to increase blood circulation.

  • The antibacterial properties of aloe stop the infection, anti -inflammatory qualities help reduce pain, and healing - soothe the skin and increase the healing rate.
  • Tea bags can reduce pain and burning caused by cold. They also improve blood circulation, and accelerate healing. To use the product, you need to lower several bags into the water and attach to the injured skin.

It must always be remembered that frostbite of the 1st and 2nd degree can be treated at home. At the 3rd stage, medical observation is required, and the stay of the house is fraught with gangrene, tetanus or irreversible blood poisoning.

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