What does Levomekol ointment help?

What does Levomekol ointment help?

Levomecole is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug, which has proven itself in medicine. This indispensable ointment is present in the first-aid kit of each of us. The drug is effective under skin diseases, due to its antibacterial action and the ability to restore damage to the skin.


The favorable action of ointment is observed in the treatment of rashes of any kind. The use of ointments depends on the degree of severity and the area of \u200b\u200brash.

  • With a large number of small pimples, the ointment is applied to the entire area for two hours, after which it is washed off with warm water. Treatment is about two weeks. At the same time, the skin of the face becomes smooth, and acne and small scars disappear.
  • If single red acne is present, then the drug is damaged. After three o'clock ointment is washed off. Inflammation passes in two days, and redness disappears the next day. Also, pimples can acquire an organized species, after that it can be squeezed and processed by an antiseptic agent.
  • Acne. For this, the drug is applied to the whole night. After 15 days, the inflammation disappears, sinking acne and scars smoothed. After the disappearance of acne, treatment must be discontinued. Thanks to the suppression of the inflammatory process and the struggle against bacteria, the drug successfully copes with acne and acne.


Levomecole perfectly eliminates the inflammation of the follicle of the hair. Mase treatment implies such actions:

  • Pre-treat the furuncle and the area near it with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine.
  • Then apply the tool and close the blade using a dressing. The procedure is repeated three times a day.
  • Wait when an affectionant will open, and the rod will come out.
  • Then handle the location of the antiseptic.
  • In the deepening to make an ointment and cover marks, which is pre-impregnated with levomecol.

The procedure is repeated twice a day. The effect of the drug is to form a rod and a rapid opening.


Postoperative seams are often treated with ointment, for example, postpartum seams. Processing Rules:

  • Fit with antiseptic soap.
  • Wipe the crotch with a solution of furatociline.
  • Wash the skin dry.
  • Gauze with ointment attach to the seam.
  • Put cotton underwear with gynecological gasket.
  • Leave gauze not a couple of hours. This will lead to a rapid healing and eliminate possible infection.

Any seams need to be processed by the above way.

Gynecological diseases

In gynecology, tampons are used for cervical erosion, inflammation of the ovaries and discrepancies of the seams.
Cooking a tampon: Take a tampon long 5 cm and 1.5 cm wide. Apply to it ointment and introduce into the vagina. Leave the remedy for the night. The procedure needs to be performed within one or two weeks.
With inflammation of the appendages of some tampons, it is not enough, in which case the antibiotics are required.


In the absence of a purulent process, the wound is treated with levomecommium for rapid healing, pre-cleaning with an antiseptic. If the presence of a pus preparation cleans the wound and eliminates the inflammatory process. Ointment is used in insect bite, cuts, scratches and abrasions. When purulent wounds, it is necessary to remove everything separated by a tampon. Then the ointment is placed in the wound, everything is covered with a rut and the bandage is made. With a large number of pus, the bandage changes as it is allocated.

Ear / Nose

With a hyamorite, you can lubricate the internal moves of the nose of the ointment of both adults and children. The positive effect is achieved within two days. Lubricate passes needed with a cotton wand twice a day. You can also make tours of gauze impregnated with ointment, and insert them into the nose. Then the patient should fly with the head back for half an hour. Before the procedure, it is important to thoroughly rinse the nose with a solution. If the auditory pass is inflamed, then you need to insert a shallow gauze tourand with ointment into it. The procedure is best done for the night for the week.


During the exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is possible to remove the process of inflammation and destroy bacteria. In addition, the ointment contributes to the restoration of the fabric near the opening and healing damaged places. Before bedtime, it is necessary to lubricate anus for a week. For the procedure, you must pre-wash the crotch with soapy water and dry the towel. Due to the wound-healing and anti-inflammatory action, this drug is popular in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but for the complete treatment of one ointment is not enough.


To avoid the likelihood of infection with a burn and speed up the healing process, it is necessary to use levomecol. When inflammation and inflexion, the ointment will also cope with the problem. In addition to cleansing the wound, the drug also eliminates dead tissues. 1 and 2 cuts are allowed to overlay ointment on a wound with a napkin. Pre-site is washed with cold water. You need to process the burn until it is heal.

Levomecol today is used to treat various diseases and states. For this reason, it is impossible to definitely answer the question: what does ointment help? Thanks to the information described above, you can learn a lot of useful information about this preparation and the area of \u200b\u200bits application.

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