How to take bifidumbacterin

How to take bifidumbacterin

Bifidumbacterin - oral probiotic. The drug "settles" in the body useful flora - bifidobacteria. They actively displacing pathogenic microorganisms and eliminate dysbacteriosis.

Bifidumbacterin - therapeutic effect

Bifidumbacterin is a means to restore an imbalance of intestinal microflora. The main component of the drug is dry bifidobacteria. Finding inside, they "wake up" and begin to suppress the growth of harmful microbes (staphylococci, intestinal sticks, Shigell, fungi).

The treatment of bifidumbacterin has the following effect:

  • the growth and vital activity of the pathogenic intestinal flora is suppressed;
  • the normal ratio of microorganisms in the intestines is restored (women also normalizes the flora of the vagina);
  • the operation of the digestive tract comes to normal, dyspeptic symptoms (diarrhea, belching, meteorism) are undergoing;
  • constipation eliminate, the process of digesting food is accelerated;
  • the full metabolism is resumed;
  • the absorption of nutrients in the intestines is established;
  • reduced risk of food poisoning, viral diseases;
  • the work of the immune function increases;
  • it turns out the detoxification effect.

On a note! To date, bifidumbacterin is produced in capsules, powders, suppositories.

When is Bifidumbacterin shown?

The spectrum of the action of bifidbactrine is very large. He is prescribed in such situations:

  • Dysbacteriosis of any nature.
  • Prevention of hospital infections.
  • Food poisoning, rotavirus infections.
  • An irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Violation of digestion during a diet or after errors in nutrition.
  • In gynecology, bifidbacterin is shown for the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis.
  • In proctology, bifidumbritrin suppositories are used to treat diseases of the rectum.
  • In pediatrics, bifidumbacterin is shown at the time of transferring a baby to artificial blends.

On a note! The composition includes lactose, ensuring the vital activity of useful bacteria.

Bifidumbacterin - how to take?

  • Bifidumbacterin is assumed orally, it is also possible to rectal and intravaginal administration.
  • The drug is accepted in half an hour before or directly during meals. Powder is diluted in water, and the capsules swallow entirely, without damaging the outer shell. Water washed with water or kefir.
  • Adults show the reception of two capsules of bifidumbacterial to 3 times a day, and the toddles under 3 years old are recommended a three-year reception per day for 1 capsule. The medical course is selected based on the disease and can be from 5 days to several months.
  • Bifidumbacterin powder is dissolved in cool water (broth, yogurt) and drink. The dosage of the drug in the powder and in ampoules is selected at the rate of 5 ml per 1 dose. In one ampoule or sachet may contain up to 5 doses. On the day, as a rule, it is recommended to take up to 15 doses for adults, and 1-5 doses for children.

The drug is perfectly transferred at any age, and even allowed for infants. The only contraindication of bifidumbacterine is individual sensitivity, as well as lactose intolerance. On only a slight allergic reaction can develop from side effects, but after the dosage correction it passes. But in spite of the carelessness of the drug, do not forget to adhere to the rules of application and be sure to consult a doctor before applying bifidumbacterin.

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