How to take Mezim

How to take Mezim

In case of violation of digestion, doctors prescribe drugs. One of them is mezim. It is not worth abuse of drugs, but if you need help, you should know how to take mezim.

When you can not take mezim

Mezim is a drug that improves digestion. Therefore, it should be taken to people with diagnosis: pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcerative disease, dysbacteriosis. Also, the drug can be applied when moving, if in this connection you feel the severity in the stomach and you need help in digestion. It is impossible to take it to people with acute pancreatitis or during the exacerbation of pancreatitis. If you use this drug for a long time - it is necessary to start drinking preparations in parallel to the glands.

Correct dosage of the drug Mezim

The preparation in the form of tablets should be taken:

  • Children under 12 years old - it is worth using no more than 1500 meters per kg of body weight.
  • Children from 12 to 18 years old - the dose should not exceed the 20000mam lipase per kg of body weight.
  • Adults should take 1-3 tablets about 3-4 times a day.

How to take mezim

Tablets should be taken inward, drinking room temperature water. It is advisable to take in the sitting position or standing, but in no case lying. In the position of lying mesim, it may not be in the stomach, collapsed in the esophagus. After you drank the tablet, stay in the sitting position or stand another 5 minutes. You can take mezim both before meals and during, as well as after meals. If the doctor prescribed you other than mesima other drugs, then observe the interval between consumption of about 15 minutes.

Mesim during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the period of breastfeeding and during pregnancy, the reception of the drug mezim is not prohibited. But if possible, it is advisable to refrain from reception.

Properly designated treatment leads to improved well-being and recovery. Any drug, including mezim, should be taken only after consulting a doctor. It will select the correct dosage and the duration of treatment. Engage your health and do not hesitate, if you feel discomfort in the stomach.

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