How to take iodomarine

How to take iodomarine

The iodine is very important for the human body, since the functioning of the endocrine gland is impossible without it. The disadvantage of this substance can provoke a number of serious diseases.
The most popular and effective medical drug is considered Yodomarin. He has practically no contraindications, it supports the level of iodine at the proper level, sold on any pharmacy at an affordable price.

Prevention from Zoba Yodomarine

In the treatment of goiter with surgery or reception of hormonal funds, specialists are mandatory assigned a course of admission. Iodomarina. In preventive purposes, no more than 100 μg is appointed for children under 12 years of age. And more older children and adult people are allowed to use up to 200 μg per day. For prevention, you can use a medical preparation throughout life.

Contraindications for use Iodomarina

The manufacturer of the medicine allocates several contraindications with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves before applying the drug:

  • intolerance to iodine;
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • benign formations in the thyroid gland;
  • dermatitis Dorringa in the elderly;
  • the presence of cancer.

Yodomarin During pregnancy and lactation

Women during pregnancy and passing breast period feedingare subject to deficit iodine in the body. For this reason, experts appoint them a course of admission. Iodomarina 1-2 tablets 1 time day. The medical preparation has the property of penetration through the placenta and breast milk, so it may be dangerous in improper dosage.

Reception Iodomarina - Dosage

  • Newborn Children are appointed 1 tablet per day.
  • Teenagers and adults can take 2 tablets per day.
  • W. future Moms and women during lactation per daily rate Iodomarina Makes 2 tablets per day.
  • For the prevention of the goiter, 1-2 tablets are prescribed 1 time per day.

Incorrect intake of iodomarine - overdose

Take a medical drug without a qualified specialist extremely not Recommended. It has a number of contraindications, its overdose can cause a healthy response from the human body:

  • the emergence of allergies;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • fever;
  • education of iodine acne;
  • edema Qinkie;
  • pathological disease of language tissue;
  • the taste of metal in the mouth;
  • ritter dermatitis.

If there is any suspicious state in a person after use IodomarinaIt is necessary to stop taking the drug, and then seek advice from a specialist.
The reaction of the body in the event of an overdose by a medical preparation:

  • itching, nausea and vomiting;
  • changing the color of the mucous membrane (may have brown color);
  • dustless The appearance of stomach pain.

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