How to take anferon

How to take anferon

Anaferon belongs to the group of homeopathic drugs for the treatment of influenza and other infectious viral diseases. The peculiarity of this tool is that its composition contributes to the natural development of human interferon, which is the basis of immunity. Therefore, you can take anferon before the onset of a viral disease at the time of the epidemic.

Anaferon - Composition and principle of action

The product is available in the form of flat -cylindrical tablets, each of which consists of 3 ml of a dry mixture of homeopathic dilution of antibodies to human interferon. Additionally, Aniferon contains lactose, magic of stearate, cellulose.

The active substance shows a pronounced antiviral and antimutagenic effect. From the first hours after taking the body, the active formation of interferon begins, the concentration of viruses in the cells decreases. The drug provides protection against the reproduction of a secondary infection against the background of the disease.

Anaferon tablets are designed for resorption in the oral cavity. Children under 3 years old should breed the drug in drinking water.

Anaferon - indications for use

The drug is used as a preventive or auxiliary agent in such painful conditions:

  • Immunodeficiency conditions.
  • Coronavirus.
  • Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis.
  • Entero- and Rotavirus.
  • Influenza, paragraph.
  • Complication of bacterial infections.
  • Respiratory syncitual virus.
  • Herpes of different types (labial, genital, mononucleosis, chickenpox).

Anaferon - reception scheme for adults and children

The dosage and duration of the course is calculated depending on the disease:

  • SARS, intestinal infection, neuroinfection: over the first two hours after the appearance of symptoms of the disease, 1 tablet is taken every half hour (only 5 pcs.), Then, throughout the day, 3 more tablets with an even interval are taken (these are already 8 tablets). From the second day, 1 tablet is shown three times a day before stabilizing the condition.

For prevention in the epidemiological period, you can take anasharon 1 tablet up to 3 months.

  • Herpesvirus infection (genital herpes): in the active phase of the disease (1-3 days)-1 tablet 8 times a day, then 1 tablet 4 times a day for at least 3 weeks. For the prevention of recurrent herpes - 1 tablet per day to 6 months.

The dosage for children is calculated individually, taking into account the age and type of virus.

Contraindications and features of the reception of Aniferon

Anaferon has no contraindications and is used from the first month of life. It can be combined with other antiviral and antibacterial drugs

With particular caution, Aniferon is used by people with intolerance to lactose and glucose.

Official data regarding possible side manifestations after the treatment with anatron is not registered. In isolated cases, individual intolerance may occur.

Anaferon has repeatedly proved its effectiveness in the treatment of influenza. Patients taking this tool are more likely to recover, they have less pronounced symptoms of the disease and complications occur less often. Although some experts question the healing properties of the drug, assuring that its effect is based on the placebo effect, it helps many and is popular in the winter season.

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