How to take acipol

How to take acipol

Acipol - Probiotic Natural Origin, containing a group of lactobacilli and polysaccharides. The drug is made to optimize the intestine microflora in order to improve digestion and vitamination.

Pharmacological properties acipola.

The drug belongs to the group of medical and prophylactic eubiotics. It is made of beneficial bacteria by deactivation by heating. The composition includes three strains of Lactobacillus Acidophilus and sugaromycetes produced by kefir fungi.

Therapeutic effects of acipola lies in the fact that:

  • Lactobaccuser whine intestines, killing harmful bacteria.
  • The drug actively destroys the intestinal wand and protea and at the same time significantly increases the protective properties of the body.
  • Sugaromycetes quickly stop digestion disorder in the form of diarrhea.
  • The tool contributes to the synthesis of vitamins of group V.
  • Thanks to the shell, the contents of the capsule fully reaches the intestine, without being destroyed by the influence of acids and alkalis.

When recommended Acipol

There are several pathologies under which acipol is assigned:

  • Dysbacteriosis of any nature.
  • Infectious intestinal lesions (dysentery, enterovirus infection, salmonellosis).
  • Colitis or enterocolitis flowing in chronic form.
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment.
  • Low immunity.

Also, acipol is recommended for chronic dysbacteriosis or insufficient weight gain as a result of such diseases:

  • Extensive purulent process.
  • The diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sharp or often recurrent).
  • Allergic conditions.

When can acipol be contraindicated?

The drug is well tolerated and does not provoke absolutely no adverse reactions. But due to insufficient laboratory studies, it is not recommended to be taken in such cases:

  • The pathological response of the body on probiotics.
  • Age under 3 months.
  • Maternity and breastfeeding period.

Acipol - instructions for use

The drug is manufactured in the form of capsules for internal reception. They are swallowed without damage to the shell and mine exclusively drinking water.

Dosage and treatment duration is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the age category and severity of the dysbacteriosis.

The instructions for the drug contains such a reception scheme:

  • From 3 months. Up to 3 years - 1 capsule is accepted two or three times a day. Little children can dissolve the contents of the capsule in cool water.
  • Children from 3 years old and adults - 4 capsules per day, are accepted throughout the day half an hour before meals.
  • Preventive reception - 1 capsule / day. 10-15 days.

With acute intestinal infections, acipol is prescribed for 5-9 days or before the normalization of the stool. Courses for more than 15 days are recommended for people with chronic diseases and children with a strong lag of weight gain.

Important! The re-course is carried out no earlier than 30-45 days after the end of the previous treatment.

Acipol is an affordable and useful tool for the whole family. It does not have a bad effect on the body, it does not cause addiction or overdose, comes even to infants. But before its use, it will not be superfluous to consult with the doctor.

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