Duspatalyn - from what helps?

Duspatalyn - from what helps?

Duspatalin is a modern antispasmodic that produces a French pharmaceutical enterprise MYLAN LABORATORIES SAS. This preparation is widely used in the treatment of functional disorders of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by spasm and pronounced pain syndrome.

Duspatalyn - Description of the drug

Duspatalan is a spasmolitic that has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs. It practically does not cause complications, he does not have a toxic effect on the body. Its acting component - furniture hydrochloride. The composition of the tablets also includes glycerol, magnesium stearate, talc, gelatin.

Mezhevierin has directed antispasmodic effect, therefore is active only with respect to the digestive tract. He quickly eliminates spasm without affecting the quality of intestinal motility.

Assign Duspatalan adults and children over 10 years old. During pregnancy, it is better to abandon the drug, since the necessary research was not conducted.

Duspatalin - Indications Helps

Duspatalin can be assigned to correct the following pathologies of the digestive system:

  • Abdominal pain syndrome or spasm.
  • Stomach upset.
  • An irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Spasms in the digestive tract as a result of organic disorders.
  • Bile colic with bile pathology.

Important! Taking Duspatalin is allowed only with the reason for spasms in the digestive tract.

Dyspatalin is effective when aggravating such a disease:

  • With pancreatitis, it quickly removes pain syndrome without affecting the work of the pancreas.
  • Duspatalin and with gastritis, when bloating, pain and unpleasant sensations in the intestines exacerbate the course of the disease.
  • At cholecystit, Duspatalan does not simply reduce pain, but also allows you to improve bile outflow due to the removal of spasm. Especially relevant the drug when moving stones in the gallbladder.
  • There is a practice of destination Duspatalin from constipation, especially in people of old age.

How to take Duspatalan - instruction

Duspatalin is available in the form of capsules and pills for oral administration. They swallow pills entirely, drinking water.

A day is prescribed 1 tablet in the morning and before bedtime. There are no strict recommendations for the duration of treatment, therefore the therapeutic course is established by the attending physician.

On a note! Dyspatalin's analogues are drugs such as: Spark, Aspazmin, Sea and Memerin.

Dyspatolyalin - Contraindications and Complications

There are no contraindications in Duspatalin. The only reason for refusing treatment can be individual intolerance to the drug. Special attention should be paid to patients with renal failure. Dose correction in this case is not required, but monitoring renal function with long-term use of Duspatilin is preferably carried out.

Side reactions after receiving Duspatalin rarely occur. As a rule, they develop spontaneously and are short-term.

Among the complaints described, the following negative effects were recorded:

  • allergic manifestations on the skin - itching, different rashes, hyperemia;
  • swelling of the face or century;
  • angioedema swelling;
  • anaphylactic reaction;
  • the excitability of the nervous system.

On a note! Marketing studies have shown that Duspatalin can be combined with alcohol intake, since its active substance does not interact with ethanol.

Duspatalin is an affordable and safe spasmolitic, which is useful in emergency situations, so deserves to be in every home first aid kit.

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