Hair kefir: reviews

Hair kefir: reviews

The benefits of kefir is written and said quite a few - it is included in the list of the most useful products in the world, establishes the work of the gastrointestinal tract organs, helps to normalize the weight and fills the organism protein. However, this is not the entire spectrum of the useful effect of this ferocular product. It turns out that it is possible to solve many problems associated with hair.

What is the use of hair kefir

This milk drink has its own positive effect on the state and speed of hair growth due to its composition. The vitamins (B and E) contained in it, yeast, lactic acid bacteria, calcium and protein perfectly restore the natural beauty of the hair. They become more alive, shiny and obedient, which is especially relevant for dry and split curls. Also a lot of feedback that this drink stimulates hair growth, protects against external influences and can even lighten them. The last kefir quality works with respect to all tones of staining, so often used for cooking. So on the hair painted in bright or dark colors, the kefir compositions are not desirable.

How to apply kefir in pure form

There are several ways to use kefir without any additional ingredients - instead of shampoo and as a mask. In the first way, we recommend using only to restore dry hair, the second is suitable for the revitalization of any type of curls. To make a simple mask with kefir, apply it on the hair, wrap the head (cellophane, film) and after 1-1.5 hours, wash the kefir shampoo.

Kefir against hair dryness

To breathe life in dry and naughty hair, try the mask of the following composition: 3 tbsp. l. kefir, yolk and 1 tbsp. l. Castor oil (can be replaced with rapid or vegetable). Good animated hair and such a mask: kefir - 100 g + jojoba oil - 1 tbsp. l. Excellent regenerating properties for dry hair are also different germs of wheat, avocado and olives, so they can be used instead of jojoba oil. Only in the case of the choice of avocado oil or olive increase their number up to 2 tbsp. l. Both masks are better to apply a slightly fitting and leave under the film or cellophane by 50-60 minutes, and wash off - shampoo.

Kefir masks against oily hair

Hair prone to fatty, kefir is able to add brilliance, slightly dry and give natural volume. To do this, use the following recipe: Mix the dry mustard (1 tbsp. L.) With kefir (150 ml), add liquid honey to this mixture (1 tsp. L.), Oil (1 hour liter or almond), yolk and 2-3 drops of essential oil (you can take lemon, rosemary, orange). Also, a kefir mask has proven well on fatty hair with the addition of cosmetic clay: stir in kefir (1/2 cup) Blue clay (1 Art. L.) And just stick this mixture in the roots. Both compositions are applied on the hair for half an hour and washed off with shampoo.

Kefir masks for any type of hair

To restore your hair and give them more vitality, boil the milk and in the cold drink. Add a couple of tea spoons of kefir. Stir and leave the mixture for a couple of days in a warm place. You can use a mixture of kefir with a chicken egg. To do this, mix 1 egg and 200 ml of fermented milk drink and apply to the hair under polyethylene or film. Both masks need to withstand on the head of 30-35 minutes, it is possible to wash off without a shampoo.

Kefir for hair growth stimulation

Kefir is an excellent tool for stimulating hair bulbs. One of the most effective recipes consists of the following ingredients: kefir - a glass, juice 1 onion (garlic or aloe), yolk - 1 pc., Tean oil - 1 tsp. Add the last 2 ingredient at will. This mask is applied for an hour under the film towel, washed off without shampoo. The hair grows very well after such a mask: Mix a slightly heated kefir (1/2 cup) and bakery yeast (20 g). When the composition "will play", interfere with honey in it (1 tsp.) Or cocoa (1 tbsp. L.) And spread it for 40-60 minutes. If you have a dry "warehouse" hair, add mayonnaise or vegetable oil to the mask (1st art. L.).

Kefir Hair Clamp Mask

Naturally, Kefir will not make out of you a dazzling blonde, but a little brightening the hair (for a couple of tones) to him quite under power. To do this, take 1 chicken egg, the juice of halves of lemon, 2 tbsp. l. Cognac, 50 g kefir and 1 tsp. Shampoo (any), Mix all the components and apply on the hair under the film with insulation (under the towel). Consider to get a clarifying effect from such a mask, keep it on the hair at least 8 hours. After washing the mask, be sure to use balsam with nutritional properties.

To see all the power of kefir regarding nutrition and hair recovery, spend these procedures 2 times a week for 2 months.

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