Dry Hair Care

Dry Hair Care

Shiny silky hair - every woman dreams about them. But not everyone boasts a luxurious chapel. Some hair is fat and hang silent strands. In others, on the contrary, too dry. Such curls look dimly and lifeless, they are brittle, and they are difficult to lay them into the hairstyle. There are hair and mixed type, when the roots are fat, and on the tips are dry. In this article we will tell how to care for dry hair.

Causes of dryness

Hair dryness is explained by a small amount of moisture in the hair rod. Dry hair especially annoyed women aged when the moisture is not enough throughout the body. But if dry hair is observed at a young woman, it is explained by either hereditary factor, or hormonal failure of the body, or abuse of natural factors. It is understood that the girl in the summer does not carry a protective hat from the Sun, and in the winter neglected with a warm hat.

How to get rid of dry hair

The problem can be solved by a complex of measures:

  • improve meals when a lot of vitamins and microelements become in the body;
  • cover the hormonal background - for this you need to visit the doctor;
  • put on a situation or hat from the sun, or a warm hat;
  • to do homemade hair moisturizing (correct washing, proper drying, use of masks and wraps, head massage).

Proper wash

Proper wash implies:

  • Water should be used boiled or softened by boric acid (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).
  • Before washing in the roots of the hair, rub the castor oil and make it all over the entire length of the hair. Oil mask need to keep 5-10 minutes.
  • Dry hair is recommended to wash no more than once every 5-7 days.
  • Use only a special shampoo. Shampoos for dry hair are absolutely in all famous brands: Garnier, L'Oreal, Revlon, Klorane, Le Petit Marseiliais, clean line, etc.
  • After washing the hair needs to be treated with air conditioning of the same brand.

Proper drying

Dry hair is better not to dried with a hairdryer - hot air will dry the hair even stronger. It is better to dry, using special microfiber turbans. The turbans for drying the Swiss company Smart have proven well - in Russia, the company "White Cat" is traded.

Dry hair masks

Earlier, we said that in front of each wash hair, they need to rub castor oil. This method is very effective, but only for a quick sink. Ideally, before each sink, it is advisable to make a full-fledged mask, which is to keep on her hair for at least 30 minutes. Mask recipes (all of them are calculated on the hair of medium length):

  1. Mask on olive oil with honey and cottage cheese: 1 tbsp. l. Honey, 1 tbsp. l. Oils, 3 tbsp. l. Cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l. milk.
  2. Mask on egg with brandy: 1 raw yolk, 1 tbsp. l. Olive oils, 1 tsp. Honey and brandy.
  3. Mask on castor oil: 1 tbsp. l. Oils and one fresh yolk.
  4. Mask at kefir: 6 tbsp. l. kefir and one egg yolk.

Wrapping for dry hair

Wraps differ from masks longer than a hair effect on hair - up to one and a half hours. Also, when wrapping, it is recommended to cover the head with a hot wet towel. As you cool the towel can be replaced with fresh. For wraps, any recipes for masks are suitable where oil is present.

Augustino What is useful than refill oil for hair_enl

Head massage

Massage of the scalp is done to activate hair bulbs and sebaceous glands. The latter will produce more fat, which will moisturize the hair. Massage make an ordinary wooden hair brush. Intensive combing spend each evening and at least 20 minutes.

All of the above procedures implies hair moisturizing outside. For moisturizing them from the inside, do not forget about drinking mode - drank at least 2.5 liters of ordinary water without gas. If you use our advice, your hair will soon become shiny, elastic and puffy.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 26/11/2018 at 15:12

For dry hair, it is important to use good thermal protection before laying. Making masks regularly. I like the mask ultra moisturizing Horse Force. It copes perfectly with dry hair and makes them more well-groomed and healthy.

    Vika 24/01/2020 at 0:34.

    They have a shampoo with collagen and Lanolin. It eliminates dryness, lone and hair cross section. And protects hair from high temperatures


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