How to choose shampoo

How to choose shampoo

There are now a huge assortment of shampoos on the store shelves. Before making a purchase -, think about whether you know about the rules for choosing the appropriate means. After all, shampoo is not only hair beauty, but also their health. Beautiful, shiny, well-groomed hair will attract the attention of others. They are an important component of the entire image, style. Start the selection of shampoo with the study of the label.

The most important thing when choosing shampoo is to know your skin type of scalp. On the label is usually indicated, for what type of hair it is suitable. Remember that the shampoo must match it. Otherwise, you damage them, and I will have to correct a mistake for a long time. Try not to buy "family", "universal means" for all types of hair. Do not make a choice based on a pleasant smell, color, packaging. All this is not quality indicators, but advertising. High-quality shampoos do not smell, or it is completely different to others. Color - transparent or white.

Examine your hair structure yourself or consult a cosmetologist. If you have no problems with your head, then choose shampoo according to your preferences. For example, an increase in volume, for naughty hair, to impart brilliance, etc. Special attention is paid to painted hair. There are shampoos capable of detaining the color pigment inside the hair, strengthen color color. Such hair need nutrition, because As part of the paints there are aggressive chemicals.

Nourishing shampoo with vegetable components is needed dry, weak, thin hair with damaged tips. Under the influence of the Sun, frequent stacking, constant staining they become brittle, easily confused, are electrified. On hot summertime, this is especially important - choose a shampoo with a UV filter. So you will be able to protect your hair from strong cuts and fragility, they will become smoother.

Most of the shampoos in its composition contains surfactants that can provoke allergic reactions. Allergies with extreme caution should be approached by the choice of shampoo. Give preference to natural means, with a soft gentle formula, with a minimum amount of dyes and flavors. Such shampoos are not thick, colorless and practically no smell. The presence of sulfates is completely eliminated only in shampoos purchased in homeopathic pharmacies or shops specialized in natural product products.

As part of the shampoo, such substances must be present: collagen or lanolin, elastin, keratin and natural ingredients. These components contribute to the restoration of the hair structure, nourish them. This is especially important for damaged hair. After several applications, the well-chosen shampoo dried hair becomes smooth, obedient, well combed, shine. After washing the hair does not stick together, there are no fat, dirt, skin of the head without itching and irritation.

Next, to pay attention to the study of the label - the pH level. For the skin of the head, the normal pH value fluctuates in the range of 4.2 - 5.6. Shampoo Choose with no more than 7 with pH level. The increased value of the pH in the shampoo is poorly reflected in the state of the hair: they are poorly styling, become rough.

If the hair is long, then the problem is that their structure is different along the entire length. At roots, they can be fat and quickly get dirty, and their tips are fluffy and dry. For these hair, to avoid problems, buy deep shampoos. After washing once a week, use balm, make nutritious regenerating masks.

For any hair, useful in vitamins. Vitamin B - normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. The presence of vitamin C will make hair dense, strong, elastic. Glucasil - nourishes, strengthens hair. Lipids - mineral and organic oils needed to mitigate hair - make them silky.

Check out the house quality shampoo: dig a bit in a glass of water, if a sediment falls some time - it is undesirable to use it. On the label, it happens, the ammonium sulfate and sodium sulfate are indicated - but do not expect a special cleansing action, they are unrelated.

Comments leave a comment
Kira 04/12/2015 at 13:45.

I have long hair. The problem is that they are fat for roots and dry on the tips. Because of this, I constantly had to trim. And here I was advised in the salon Diplona Professional. Thille thinking, I bought this product, as the price was pleasantly surprised. After several applications, my hair was revived, there were no dry fluffy tips. In the composition of natural components. Very pleased, finally found its own.

Vika 04/12/2018 at 12:28

I choose shampoo without sulfates and at the same time I look at the plant extracts. Now my head shampoo chorse force based on oat surfactants and satisfied with the result. The hair is softer, silky and shiny

Yana 15/10/2020 at 11:40

Finding the shampoo will help a trichologist or specialist so that he really approached your hair.

Zhanna E. 20/10/2020 at 23:42.

Yes, it is better to contact a specialist who understands the type of your hair and the problem if it is available. For example, I had a lot of hair, I began to use the Italian line of Hair Vital against the loss. Plus, the complex of vitamins and in the complex everything helped perfectly. Hair shine glitter, steel thick and healthy)


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