What shampoo is the best

What shampoo is the best

Choose the appropriate shampoo is quite problematic, since the shelves of shops are breaking away from the abundance of various bottles and jars. Packaging promise healthy and beautiful hair, but in fact things are different. Our tips will help you determine the choice of a suitable shampoo.

Before buying carefully examine the composition. Many manufacturers argue that their products are fully natural. But if you read the composition, it turns out that naturalness is only 1-5%. Pay attention to the presence of the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate component. It provides a large amount of foam and good naming, but is a strong chemical that disrupts the natural pH of the scalp. Trichologists recommend using products with the presence of Decyl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine and Magnesium Laureth Sulfate. These components are more gentle. It is worth noting that the cost of such shampoos will be slightly higher, but the health of the hair is worth it.

Pay attention to the shampoo texture. If it is thick, pearl, dense, etc. - the product contains many thickeners, dyes and other compositions that affect hair not the best way. The same applies to the aroma. At best, the smell will laugh on her hair one day, at worst - will be heard only during the head of the head. Therefore, try to choose not too "trimmed" shampoo in appearance and smell. The safest and eco-friendly shampoos recognized brands such as Aubrey Organics, Logona, Weleda, Caudalie, Aveda.

Consider your head type. Unfortunately, this rule is observed by units, as a result of which the hair begins to deteriorate. The exceptions are people with a normal type of hair, but there are very little such. In other categories, we will dwell in more detail.

  • Thin hair. Shampoo for thin hair should provide not only good volume, but also contain special substances to strengthen hair. If keratin is present, silk protein or herbs compositions - hair will get the necessary rigidity. This will help them become more lure and more beautiful.
  • Dry hair. The means for dry hair should be present Lanolin, lecithin or other components involved in hair restoration. They have a property to eliminate the gaps in their scales. It is worth noting that for other types of hair, these components are not desirable, since additives will highly load them and even glue.
  • Greasy hair. These shampoos must contain very gentle components. The composition should be extracts and antibacterial elements. They lead a fat selection to normal and do not allow hair after washing.

If you are an adherent of extremely natural products, the best way out of the position will be the independent cooking of a home shampoo. It will not foam too well, but will ensure proper care and security. Well established shampoos from rye flour. They finely wash their hair and nourish them with vitamins. It is allowed to use rice, oatmeal or laid flour, but not wheat.

Pour in the bowl of 4 tbsp. l. Flour, spread warm (but not hot) water and stir well so that there are no lumps left. Instead of water, you can use any decoction of herbs. For additionally, nutrition is recommended sometimes adding yolk flour. It is worth noting that rice flour is endowed with air-conditioning properties, so you can add 1 tbsp. l. To the main flour. The longer you leave the shampoo on the hair, the better they disperse (7-10 minutes quite enough). When you put your hair, rinse them with natural apple vinegar (1 liter on 1 tbsp.).

After applying a properly selected product, hair should become brilliant and perfectly lying, and also remain clean for a long time and not cause allergies. If you received this effect - shampoo is chosen correctly. If the hair has become too light and fluffy - there is a strong chemical that degreases them. This means that the tool must be changed. It does not fit even for oily hair, because the effect is too strong.

The appropriate shampoo will support the beauty of your hair and give them an ideal natural shape. Experts recommend from time to time to change funds in order to avoid the effect of addiction. Choose two suitable stamps and regularly alternate them.

Comments leave a comment
Vika 28/11/2018 at 14:26

For me, the best shampoo is Horse Fors based on oat surfactants. He without sulfates and there are plants extracts that are useful for hair

    Kseniya 07/30/2019 at 15:24

    i was for a long time in search of a shampoo, which is suitable for my subtle, dry and to the same painted hair. Having tried the mass, stopped on the shampoo for the painted and damaged hydrate fors with Lanonin and biotin in the composition. The hair is well rinsed, at the same time it helps to solve the problem of hair thinning, gives them volume and healthy shine.

Anna 24/01/2020 at 15:58.

I use only shampoo with collagen and Lanolin horsepower. It restores her hair, moisturizes them and even protects when laying from high temperatures


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