How to get rid of the smell of onions

How to get rid of the smell of onions

What kind of vegetable is associated with tears and unpleasant, difficult to be smell? Of course, onions! At the stage of cleansing the bulbs from the husk, you will definitely come across a volatile substance that will force you to shed tears. The process of drinking the vegetable itself or using it, for example, in medical or cosmetic purposes "introduces" you with a specific smell, which is difficult, but really, eliminating. In our article we will tell how to get rid of the smell of Luke.

Jumping even a little onions, you will not be imperceptible to your breath for others. The phytoncides and essential oils contained in this vegetable are steadily consolidating their position in the oral cavity with a sharp specific smell. There are several ways to get rid of this trouble, but before using any of them, it should be thoroughly rinsed with clean warm water. If you have the opportunity - apply the paste to brush your teeth. Pay special attention to the surface of the language, because the reason for the unpleasant odor is more connected with it.

Remove the residual smell will help you with a bright aroma and taste of spice or spice - cardamom, cumin, carnation, ginger, cinnamon. Over 2-3 minutes any of these funds, rinse your mouth with water and enjoy the result.

Used spices and spices

The sharp onion smell is perfectly softened by fermented with milk products (kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt). Drink pure milk, paired with green tea or coffee.

Fruits and citrus fruits will cope with a delicate problem. The leader in eliminating the unpleasant onion "aroma" is the zest of lemon.

The onion exhaust of mouth will overcome fresh greens: Basil, parsley, Tarkhun, dill, peppermint or Melissa mint. This alternative method is proven, fast and enjoyable.

Butter or vegetable oil will not leave any trace of the smell of onions. Eat a little butter and rinse the mouth a small amount of vegetable (it manifests high quality natural natural sorbent).

The use in cooking onion leaves a characteristic odor on the skin surface of the hands, which is quite difficult to remove detergents or creams. Cope with onion smell will help you rub the palms of vinegar (there is at the home of each family) or coffee grounds (process it is possible to hand skin after drinking a cup of coffee).

Onion mask proven itself as an excellent tool for strengthening the hair, stimulate their growth and get rid of dandruff difficult to output. All the positive qualities of "grandmother" method pale before the terrible pungent odor. After medical procedures, use colorless henna, and then when rinsing the hair, add the essential oil of rose water. Your hair will be healthier and fragrant pleasant aroma.

Tableware upon contact with the onions absorb it pahuchest. To cope with the typical smell of this vegetable is possible by means of such methods:

  • If this deep metal containers - dial a little water, add a little vinegar (1-2 tbsp..), The solution will boil a few minutes and rinse the dishes with clean water.
  • Wipe the inside surface of raw potatoes or carrots. These vegetables perfectly destroy onion odors.

1 potato

Lemon (its juice) - the best way to remove onion odor from any surface. Hair, skin, hands, mouth, kitchen utensils - all without leaving themselves even a small trace of odor after will be treated with lemon juice.

Using all these tricks, you can easily cope with vivid and specific onion "aroma".

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