10 signs that a man changes

10 signs that a man changes

The relationship between a man and a woman is an eternal topic for conversations and writing articles. Cardinal differences between the sexes lead to the fact that it is extremely difficult for us to understand each other: sometimes words and actions acquire a completely different, non-clear and suspicious form. I especially want to understand the behavior of His half, if the thoughts on treason are told. So is it possible for a man to understand that he is not fully faithful to his companion and how to suspect nonladny?

When to suspect a man?

Everyone is known to be true that a man is the creation of a polygamon, which is inclined to look for various sexual pleasures not only with the companion, which is near. From nature, do not go anywhere, men are truly sensitive to female beauty and sexuality, but this does not mean that everyone is ready to betray. If the second half fully satisfies a man in bed, pleases with delicious borscht and do not saw about money and creates a comfortable emotional background - very few representatives of strong sex will go on treason such a woman. But due to the fact that most of the men prefers to be silent about problems in relationships, you can not suspect that someone "third" appeared in your life.

You should not be too picky and see treason in everything around. Many "oddities" of your man can easily explain with objective reasons. For example, it is quite logical that at the end of the bouquet-candy period, your young man will not be as intensively give you with flowers and gifts. It is normal and there is nothing suspicious about it - he conquered your heart and switched to a calmer mode. Also, do not suggest a loved one in the hike "left" if you spend not all 24 hours together. There is nothing terrible if your boyfriend or spouse will spend some time with friends.

Try to analyze the behavior of your man objectively, not clinging to each little thing - it will save yours and his nerves.

Probable signs of treason

It is impossible to be unambiguous about signs of treason, because all cases are individual. One hundred percent to be sure that the place had an adulter, you can only if you caught my man in bed on the other. Everything else is only assumptions that can be both real and far-fetched. However, you should not let the situation on the brakes, if you noticed the following points behind your companion:

  • You have completely absent sex. It is not in any form and in any amount, and the man will be on your barely with various excuses, like, headache or at work is tired. So does not happen. Whatever stressful work and, as it were, did not regularly hurt a head, but the male nature is not anywhere and at least from time to time intimate soils should be present in your relationship. At the same time, do not think about treason, if the lack of desire is an episodic case - can really have a difficulty satellite, and you are so passionate about your experiences that you do not notice anything! In the end, a man may have some sexual problem.

  • Man hides from you phone. Eternally hidden phone, passorway mail and accounts in social networks - the reason to think about what a man hides from you. It's hard to find another explanation and your suspicions can be quite justified - with the exception of cases when a man is the owner and just because of a bad character hides his gadgets from you.
  • Constantly lingering after work or will not sleep at home.A man will not sleep at home and you do not know why? Do not be surprised that the beloved is looking for consolation with another woman. Show more attention to your partner to prevent such situations.
  • Traces of lipstick, smell of spirits and other hair. You can find all these charms on your man and on his clothes and it is quite logical that they will call the storm of emotions. And it is quite justified - if another female left his traces on your beloved, then it is impossible to leave it without attention.

To find out whether real treason was or not, you can arrange a real investigation with the interrogation of witnesses and torture. But it is better to prevent such a situation, surround a man with care and attention, and most importantly - lead a trust relationship with a partner, in which there will be no place for lies and suspicions. Love and be loved!

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