10 signs that your wife changes you

10 signs that your wife changes you

In the modern world, unfortunately, treason becomes familiar. In case the change of one-time, drunk, for example, there is no such signs. The only thing you can find out if your wife accidentally runs out or consciously admits in the deed. But, if it comes to a permanent lover, it is possible to calculate the promotion of the most common features. In our article we will consider 10 signs of treason to her husband.

Sudden restriction of personal space

If your wife does not explain the reasons limit your access to her phone, social networks, a laptop, shouts if you see that you looked there without her knowledge - this is a reason to think about it. After all, before you could easily climb on its gadgets.

Carefully monitors

For no reason from this wife begins to care for themselves. Deals combat makeup, makes a hairstyle, clothes in stockings instead of a tights, when leaving the house, puts on a set of beautiful underwear, and not as usual bra and panties in a maturity, dresses not for convenience, and so to impress. Remember how it was when she fascinated you?

Cold in bed

In your bed, there is no longer a besting, which earlier at night did not give you to sleep? Perhaps even avoids kisses and tactile contact. This is the most real alarming bell treason. So, most likely, she quenches his dust and passion with another man.

Did not spend the night at home - great!

You ask for fishing with overnight stay. Previously, your wife was sad on this occasion, I missed you, constantly overlooked you with my calls, I gave the jumping on your neck and kisses. Even at the beginning of how you touch on the topic of your absence, you notice her poorly hidden joy. Now she is glad to your absence and offers to stay not for one night, but for two or three, to catch more fish.

I'm rage

If the wife suddenly began to notice a million of your shortcomings, which did not pay the slightest attention before - she stopped to respect you and lost interest in your person, because she found all this man in another man.

The phone lives his life

One of the most frequent signs is a phone that suddenly began to live his life. Suddenly began to keep the battery half a day, then the connection does not catch, then the house remained, then the phone does not take and says that it cannot be buggy.

Deliver itself

If you previously met a wife from work, brought to the store and from the store, and in general we went for all of her affairs, now she replies that she will all. Of course, why do you need? After all, she has already found anyone who will carry it.

Linger, of course!

She was absolutely indifferent to your delay from work or what you stayed in a cafe with friends to drink beer. After all, there would be a scandal before, and what now? Now she sleeps without waiting for you, and the next day does not even remember it. Yes, and the scandals are no longer like militant battles, most often it is just all the same, it does not find out and does not explain.

New companies

More recently, you walked and entertained only together: both in the clubs, and in the cinema, and in restaurants - only a couple. Now there are frequent gatherings with some new girlfriends and companies. And again, it is not necessary to take it and disappear too.

No heat and smiles

From her face disappears warmth, love and smile. She constantly thinks about something, she tries not to meet with you eyes, avoids talking with you, looking at you, as if it appreciates, no longer wants to share with you a joint meal - this is the most serious reason to think that treason is already long enough .

I would like to emphasize that the foregoing material is not a diagnosis, but only useful information for reflection. Instead of worrying and cheating alone, talk with your second half, it is possible that it is just strong offended on you or just chronically tired of life and work. Pay more attention to the woman, make surprises, take care, call on dates, heal your relationship. Remember, both are to blame for treason! Adhere to the Soviets offered to you and betray will cost you.

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