10 modern rules of etiquette

10 modern rules of etiquette

Modern etiquette rules do not differ from the rules of etiquette of the past centuries. Some adjustments have the pace and method of modern life.

It can be isolated from the general rules of the ten most relevant and necessary to meet a decent man.

The first rule of etiquette: a polite attitude

As the first rule can distinguish friendly attitude of the people around them. Familiar to most families and relatives or complete strangers. It does not matter exactly where a person: in shops, public transport, on the street, at work, at home. Always and everywhere it is necessary to be able to politely refer to the surrounding.

The second rule of etiquette: greeting

The second rule is that part of the premises should greet first. Whoever it was, the chief, Academician, President, just a passerby, baby. greetings should sound just by entering.

It should be noted that if the satellite is greeted with a stranger, the pair is worth also say the words of welcome.

The third rule of etiquette: thanks

People often forget to say thank most families, relatives and friends. Perceiving everything that happens for granted. After all their care and love, not by constraint, but from a pure heart. The third rule of modern etiquette - the word thank you.

The fourth rule of etiquette: decent behavior in public places

Being in public places can not be very loud laugh. Shout and condemn other people at the same time to poke a finger.

The fifth rule of etiquette: for drivers

Very often, drivers forget about the rules of decent behavior on the road. You can not rush through the puddles and mud, splashing pedestrians. Slow down, please.

The sixth rule of etiquette: the purity and fashion

While in public places, and at home, a person must follow personal hygiene. Dress in pure tidy things. Show clean shoes. And you should not blindly follow the fashion. It is better to dress not only fashionable, but beautiful and tidy.

Seventh Ethiquette Rule: Unexpected Guests

You can not go to visit without invitation. Be sure to prevent in advance about your visit.

Eighth Ethiquette Rule: Smartphone and SMS SMS

Being visiting, at a meeting, in a cafe or restaurant, in no case should you keep your smartphone on the table. This is a manifestation of complete disrespect for the interlocutor. And, it means that virtual communication is more important than living.

Running in someone else's phone or pockets in order to read SMS or a simple correspondence is extremely impolite and ugly towards a person. This rule concerns both parents in relation to children, so spouses.

Ninth etiquette rule: answer to insult

Now all has a lot of problems and worries. People are trying to throw away their whole malice and hate to others. Having met rudeness and insult you just need to smile and move away, leaving the offender with all its anger. Do not cost to raise voices and insults in response.

Tenth Ethiquette Rule: Habit Strong Door

Parents, as soon as the baby becomes to live in a separate room, you need to work out the habit of knocking, before entering the nursery. Then the children will knock on the bedroom door of the parents.

This is not the entire list of rules of modern etiquette, but adhering to this ten, a person can win universal respect. And with dignity to be called a cultural and educated member of society.

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