As in the eastern countries, the husbands of Mustil for treason

As in the eastern countries, the husbands of Mustil for treason

As many people are known, the Eastern countries have long been different in the absence of rights in women, their subordination and discrimination against sexual sign. The girl was cooked a spouse long before her conscious age, sometimes, in early childhood. In 13 or 10 years, the girl could become a full spouse, but in most countries of the East, the parents still waited until the girl becomes a girl, only then sent her to the house of the spouse. It is quite predictable that treason happened in such a society, since the spouses did not choose each other alone. However, men were forgiven for men, they were not rare and harem in which many wives were recruited so that one was not bored. In relation to women, the customs were not so condescending - they were supposed to suffer punishment. Some of them will be discussed below.

As in Eastern countries, the husbands of Mustil for treason - the Ottoman Empire

One of the most powerful and major empires of antiquity has more than six hundred years of history. There were mighty sultans, sheikh and their harem. Women could be taken in the wives as many times as her husband would consider. At one time it was full-fledged spouses, and in one thing - the concubine who lived in special castles. Address of his wife from such a society could stick almost infinitely, because her complete lord was a husband. On the defense of the woman could speak brothers and father, but their voice decided in her life after marriage.

The most terrible revenge was the execution. Especially if she was long and painful. This method can be attributed to punishments with not fatal outcome: a woman was put in one bag with a cat or several cats. The bag is tightly soaked and put in the middle of the square. The husband himself either trained man swung heavy chains and hit the bag. Thus, if the blows came across a woman - they hurt her strong pain, but if on a cat, then the animal from pain began to scratch and bite a woman to deep wounds.

As in the eastern countries, the husbands of Mustil for treason - Iraq

For examples in this country, it is not necessary to walk too far in the Debrist of History - Iraq and to this day it stands on 21 points out of 22 for women's rights in Arab countries. Not only husband, but also his brothers, as well as close relatives could be punished here.

For a treason to her husband, the punishment woman bears immediately, on the site of the so-called crime. At the same time, the method of punishment chooses the husband himself or his brothers who testified the act of treason. The cruelty of revenge is determined only by the authority and restrictions of the power of the husband. It could be a beating of stones, and the sale of the wife, and more harsh methods.

As in Eastern countries, Amestili wives for treason - Singapore

Few people know, but in Singapore also at the same time there was a solid patriarchy, which meant the permissiveness of her husband. In this country, the beatings were officially allowed, therefore, only suspecting the infidelity of his wife, her husband could immediately punish her for it.

Also, the husband also could choose the methods of revenge. There is a documented case when a resident of Singapore made a lot of tattoos with a hidden meaning on the body of his wife, thereby showing everyone around that she is incorrect and sinful.

As in Eastern countries, husbands are revenge on treason - Afghanistan

Here, orders did not differ in particular softness: the wife could be bothering for treason, in earlier years the country's existence was punished with needles, lead, the increasing wife of his wife. Such revenge was permitted not only in relation to the wrong, but also any wife, which flirts the honor of her husband.

Looking around the experience of history, methods of revenge wives in eastern countries seem extremely barbaric and cruel, but the modern world is not deprived of such examples. So, now known to the whole world, Aisha lost his nose and ears in Afghanistan from his own husband and his brothers. Now the girl's face can be found on the covers of the most famous magazines that urge to pay attention to the problem of equality in the eastern countries.

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