How bless young

How bless young

Blessing of parents before marriage - it is an important ritual, without which, according to legends, the young will not live happily ever after. In this article we will try to understand all the intricacies of the pre-wedding ritual.

groom blessing

The groom is necessary to bless the icon of the Savior and St. Nicholas. The procedure is as follows:

  • It is necessary to cover the table with a white tablecloth and a lighted candle placed on the table bread and water, and salt.
  • Parents are in front of his son. Earlier son knelt in front of parents. Now it is not mandatory, but as it shows respect for the child.
  • Holding icon father three causes it sign of the cross. Then transmits the mother shrine and she does the same. In this case, parents say good farewell beloved child.
    Husband-cross and kissing the face of the saint.
  • In some families, the father holds his son three times around the table at the same time linking his hands a towel. The mother in this case goes back to the icon.

bride's blessing

Bride blessing takes place on the same principle. But for the girls take the icon of the Mother of God. It is also necessary to discuss with the groom's parents, what rare ceremonies they will hold perhaps because the bride's parents are obliged to do the same.

After that we can move on to the bride price and the trip to the registrar. Now, to the young open the way for the wedding.

newlyweds blessing

After young exchanged rings, blessing rite continues. Now the parents of the husband and wife meet a young family on the doorstep. The father picks up the same icon (if the young were married, and the wedding icons), and his mother holding a round loaf and salt.

Next, parents utter a parting and pray for the joint happy future of children. After that, again, it is already crossing the family icons and give to treat bread-salt. In this case, you can also check who will be the owner in the house. Young should tear off the buoy - whose piece will be more, that word and will be most important in a young family.

Important aspects of a blessing ritual

There are important moments in the blessing of young people who need to know:

  • If the mother or father of the bridegroom or the bride died, then their only parent blesses.
  • If both parents are not present at this event, the blessing procedure performs the eldest in the family - grandfather, aunt, a godfather or a godpa, or even brother with his wife. But it is important that the one who blesses the young on the road was baptized.
  • Deeply religious people at this time are blessed with young 4 times: during a collusion, after the engagement, before marriage and after it.
  • Icons can be purchased new in the church or use vintage, homemade.
  • You need to baptize correctly: from above-down and left to right, so that the young was right to left.

The blessing of the parents before the wedding is a very important and traditional part of the entire wedding ceremony. After all, if you look at the families of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, it is possible that they were strong precisely because of the following traditions and thanks to the deep faith. It is also important that parents say sincerely and from the pure heart. And then the way the young will be bright and happy.

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