How to teach your baby to sleep in a crib

How to teach your baby to sleep in a crib

The first time after the birth parents laid the baby to sleep with them, to facilitate the night feeding. But the kid is growing up fast and important time to teach him to sleep in his crib. To teach the crumbs to a new sleeping place without conflict and tears follow the advice of professional psychologists and experienced couples.

At what age do you need to teach a child to sleep in the crib?

According to family psychologists and pediatricians, child can sleep with their parents only the first few months after birth. Accustomed to his crib with the child should be 3-5 months. At this age, children quickly get used to the new rules, because they are very short-term visual memory.

If this wait, then start the real "war". The baby will resist by all means available: the cries, tears, and even hysteria. This will create a heavy family atmosphere and a bad influence on the psyche of the child.

How to teach grudnichka to sleep in her crib

Parents who have long coped with this problem, it is advised to young mums to adhere to such guidelines:

  • It is important to determine the baby's biorhythm and develop his sleep reflex without a mother. To do this, put your child to sleep only when he is tired and ready to sleep without rocking or singing long. If a pipsqueak is willing, and you try to put it, it will act up and ask for your hands or in your bed.
  • Create a special ritual of preparing to sleep in a new bed. Let the kid in memory postponed interconnected chain of events, such as bathing, massage and mother's lullaby, sleep. After a couple of weeks the child will himself to sleep after this ritual.
  • Ensure the right conditions for a dream: buy a beautiful baby crib and mobility, night light, bed linen. Show him that the bed - his cozy nest for sweet dreams.
  • After a night of feeding is required to shift the baby back in his cot. If once you give up the slack, baby take advantage of it, and the whole process will be repeated again.
  • Shift the child to bed after feeding need 15 minutes after falling asleep, when the phase of a long sleep begins. You also need to lay the baby on a warm blanket or heated diaper that will create a feeling of warmth of my mother's and the baby will sleep.
  • Kids up to 7-8 months unwell honor one large bed, so it is at first put your child in a small crib.

How to teach a child over two years old sleeping in a crib

You missed a suitable case, and your two-year baby was still sleeping with you? Not a problem, you can correct the situation, but you will have a good try.

That's what advise to do child psychologists to teach a child of preschool age to sleep on their own:

  • Begin to teach your baby to sleep in a bed, located near yours. Over time, it can be rearranged.
  • If your child is 3 or more years, give him the opportunity to choose a bed. It can be a machine, a fabulous house model as a favorite fairy-tale hero.
  • Give your child a new teddy friend and tell us how they would sleep together in unison in the new crib.
  • Begin the process of schooling with an afternoon nap. And after the baby starts to sleep in the bed during the day, and go to a night's sleep.

Turn the habituation process of the baby sleep alone in an exciting game or a ritual, and in any case do not press on the child, not frighten or tease him. Then you can easily and without the vagaries of teaching your child to sleep without parents.

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