How to teach a child to help house

How to teach a child to help house

When a child wants to help in the kitchen, then often moms give fire. This is explained by the fact that it is faster to do everything on their own, besides the help of a small child, no one seriously perceives. Often the parents do not have enough strength and patience to wait until the kid himself delight, causing and gets in his room. Of course, it is easier to do all things in a few minutes and turn on your favorite movie.

At first glance, there is a care for a small child, but through time these actions can lead to such problems as scattered toys, unwearing dishes. Because of this, scandals and tears occur. How to ensure that the child himself helped in domestic affairs?

How to teach a child to help home using games

Acqualing children to help at home need in the form of a fascinating game. Due to this, there is a better perception of information and learning new things. At the time when the mother prepares lunch, you can offer my daughter to cook something for your dolls with the help of a toy kitchen or get into the room with a children's vacuum cleaner. And if the dad is chinit, then the son can help him with his tools.

Child homework should perceive as a game. So, you can compete: who will wash more plates or who will remove the room faster. You can also tell the story that plush Bunny offendedIf he does not remove it from the floor.

How to teach a child to help home gradually

It is necessary to fulfill your duties gradually, and in the case of their non-fulfillment, in no case punish. After all, to negotiate in a good way It will be very difficult. If the baby is punished, he will be afraid to allow a mistake and closes.

To form the degree of responsibility is also gradually. If the child is busy washing the outer part of the refrigerator, then you need to praise it and suggest wash internal.

The child should have the case that only he performs, for example, pour flowers, remove on her desk, wipe the dust from the shelves. Thus, he will feel like an adult, because he entrusted something important. Be sure to praise it for any assignment performed. This is very important in the first time, until the child gets used to.

Homework should not be perceived as a punishment. This is the direct responsibility of the child, so regardless of his behavior, he must remove toys and a bed, as well as wash the dishes. Thanks to the system of sentencies and promotions, you can quickly develop some skills.

How to teach a child to help house - catch moments

If your baby is straight thirsty To help you, then it is important to miss this moment. One year old kids can also imitate how you wash the floor, while this occupation will come to him. The crumb is a little older try to wipe dust or pour flowers.

If you have seen a desire, you must definitely give the opportunity to help. After all, you can beat off all the hunt to help. After all, the child will consider cleaning privilege Adults with which he will not cope.

How to teach a child to help house - a personal example

You're accustomed to leave the unwashed dishes, do not put your clothes in the closet, do not expect a bed, then you do not expect anything from the child. He can not be careful, because he has no one to take an example. Children repeat everything for their parents, so you need to remember the double standards that are unacceptable in the family. In other words, if you want the child to clean up, then demonstrate it on my example.

Instructions "You must" or "need" lose their meaning with an excessive repetition. It is necessary to educate on your example, while constantly repeating such actions: helping to lay things in their places, to be used in the kitchen and in the rooms, and then be sure to praise, because the child has not yet known the world and needs support for loved ones.

How to teach a child to help around the house - you can not force

With the reluctance to do homework, it is impossible to force a child. But he must understand that his help is important, and you appreciate his work. When performing any cases, it is necessary to praise, because it is important. If you do not react to the reacted room, then the desire may be the abyss. It is also impossible to finish the work of the child. After all, he must learn to bring his business to the end, and do not throw Having finished them.

How to teach a child to help at home - recommendations

The process of teaching homework must be accompanied by:

  • Praise. Moreover, it does not just have to be "well done!", But specifically and meaningfully. Without criticism. Quietly explain how to do something correctly.
  • Lack of overloads. Do not deprive childhood by loading too much work.
  • You can not use money as remuneration. After all, the duties of the house are a particle of life, as well as studying, and communicate with peers.
  • It is impossible to order and demand.

The manifestation of independence can be observed from a one-year-old baby, and awareness of itself as a person - at a two-year-old child. Therefore, during this period, you need to instill independent service standards. Gradually lure in activities, especially if there is a desire for this. This difficult thing is very important to show patience and understanding.

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