What should a child be able to 10 months

What should a child be able to 10 months

When the child crosses its 10-month line of life, it becomes an independent day by day. Kid makes its first uncertain steps and begins to communicate intensively. Every parent makes mistakes and learns from them, so it is normally something I do not know and to ask questions. How to develop and what skills should have a baby at this time?

Physical development

The growth of a ten-month baby depends on the genes, but the weight is an important sign of development, as it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe correct operation of the digestive system. According to the WHO growth standards for 10-month-old boy should be 73.5 cm, while for girls - 71.4 cm; average weight boys - 9.2 kg, girls - 8.5 kg.

motor skills

With the advent of the 10th month of life, the child begins to move more actively. Most children of this age can sit unaided and attempt to get up. Some children take their first tentative steps along the couch. They even try to crawl up and down the stairs, so it is necessary to closely monitor the baby. Coordination is greatly improved, and the baby begins to hold things in their hands. You can see that he also plays with two toys. Most children of this age can feed themselves, grabbing food between thumb and forefinger.


  • Find objects. When a child begins to realize that objects do not disappear completely, but only lost out of sight, it is easy to find any lost items.
  • The desire to imitate. Baby begins to imitate what he sees, what makes his mother, for example, presses a button on the remote, combing hair or talking on the phone. He likes to beat rattle, look at the pictures in the book and find lost toys.
  • Over the past few months, the child has learned to show emotions, such as caution and fear. He can fear what was never afraid before, for example, a vacuum cleaner or a neighbor's dog.
  • Now he understands that Mom left for a while, and will soon return, therefore behaves calmly in her absence.
  • Children of this age are answering simple questions with various gestures, such as sampling or crawling hands for goodbye.

Communicative development

Toddler society progress, and he smiles to everyone who meets. However, some children show shyness and close their face before unfamiliar people. It can be noted that the baby begins to show his character and protests against the trip on the stroller or in the car seat. Babies at this age react to their name. They can also execute simple commands and point to certain items. The child says short words, such as "give" or "Mom." But if your baby is still silent, do not worry - it will still use the language of gestures to communicate with you, for example, to make noise to attract attention.

How to take care of a 10 month old child

  • As the child grows, he needs to eat right. Do not stop giving milk. From this age you can add more hard food. Enter pasteurized cheese, puree, boiled vegetables, additional proteins (eggs and chicken) in its diet.
  • The baby's sleep frequency is reduced. He sleeps no more than two times a day. However, as soon as the baby begins to show signs of fatigue, yawning, you need to immediately put it in bed.
  • Help the child learn new words, repeating them several times. For example, if a child points to a bottle and says "bu-bu", you need to say: "Yes, this is your bottle." Permanent conversations with children can expand their vocabulary and teach to listen.
  • The pain in teething can disturb the kid at night. Throw him back if it starts crying, or spoil the song. You can remove the soreness with a special cold ring. If the pain still does not subside, it is best to contact the pediatrician.
  • When introducing new food into the kid's diet, check it for allergies. Often there are reactions to milk, peanuts, eggs and wheat.
  • Play with a child. Spicy toys and ask him to find them yourself.
  • The babies still have no feeling of correctness or malfunction. Praise it for good behavior and crowd out for a dangerous situation.

Remember that your baby is constantly in motion, so be extremely attentive to it.

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