What should a child be able to 2 years

What should a child be able to 2 years

Each stage in the development of the child has a number of features that determine its nature and behavior in the future. This applies to most of the kids who acquired the appropriate skills to a certain age. This article will discuss what a two-year-old kid should be able to in the physical and intellectual direction.

What the child should be able to 2 years - physical development

For two years, any child appears a pronounced signs of independence, which in no way should be blocked. Although his coordination of movements is not so much perfect as an adult, he tries to keep the balance, coordinate his movements and copy the behavior of adults. So, how does the baby manage his body, and what is able to in motion activities?!

  • The ability to exercise in advance, left, right.
  • The ability to rise and go down the steps with insurance.
  • Confident walking, which can alternate squats, turns, raising hands.
  • Running is purposeful, but weakly coordinated, since the baby at this age is difficult to keep the balance.
  • The ability to beat the foot on the ball, as well as throw and try to catch it.
  • Overcome the obstacle on earth with a jump or bypass.
  • Development of shallow motility - drawing lines, modeling, skill cutting paper with children's scissors.

What a child should be able to 2 years - mental development

Under favorable conditions in the family and the attentive attitude of parents to the child, it is likely that it will faster will expand his vocabulary and improve its intellect. Reading books, listening to the developing audio recordings and permanent communication with the son or daughter, as it is impossible to appear on the mental peculiarities of the kid.

So, what is the child of two years in intellectual plan?!

  • Ability to memorize simple quatrains.
  • Speech development is an increase in the stock of words, pronunciation of short proposals from 3-4 words.
  • The ability to call all parts of the body and show them.
  • Knowledge of some colors and geometric shapes.
  • Copying adult behavior, request for help.
  • The ability to tell about yourself - age, name, city of residence.
  • Development of communication skills in the children's team.

What a child should be able to 2 years - self-service skills

At this stage of development, it is very important to maintain the desire of the baby to self-service, since the stalling and criticizing it for insufficiently perfect actions, you can beat off any kind of hunting. So, very good, if the two-year-old child has developed the following skills:

  • The ability to ask for a toilet and go to the pot.
  • The ability to wash your hands on yourself with soap and wash.
  • With the support of parents to be able to brush their teeth.
  • Independent food intake.
  • A pronounced desire and attempts to dress independently and shovel.
  • The ability to wipe the spilled fluid.
  • Manifestation of the initiative to fold toys into place.

The development of the child at each stage of his life is to properly form the necessary skills, habits, features of the worldview. This hard path depends on how ready to take responsibility for their child, and offer him a sufficient choice of opportunities for a full spiritual, mental and physical growth. After all, a child is a mirror reflection of his parents and their attitude towards him not only at a biennium, but also throughout life.


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