What should be able to a child in 2 months

What should be able to a child in 2 months

Despite the fact that each kid develops on his way, many parents are still actively watching the calendar of the development of babies. In such calendars, a child's skills are indicated on weeks: when he learns to walk, hold the head, independently take a spoon. This is not the mandatory and necessary opportunities for your child, because it can learn to perform this or that action a month earlier or later. Nevertheless, it often wants to refer with such medical calendars to simply calm themselves, and perhaps and be happy for the little premature victories of the son or daughter. In this article you will find a complete list of changes in the behavior of a child when he is two months old.

What should a child be able to keep the head on their own

In a position vertically, when you hold the baby on your arms, it rectifted the neck itself. He no longer needs your help in this, although it is always necessary to insure a child.

By the beginning of the second month of life, the kid can still not be able to turn his head to the parties, but he quickly learns this, and easily turns the neck for the third month.

In position horizontally, it can not yet be able to keep the head or do it bad.

To develop this skill is better, try to call the baby then one way, then to another, when you hold it on your hands. The child will be easy to respond and slowly turn his head.

What the child should be able to 2 months - the response to the sound

As mentioned above, the baby begins to respond to your voice. If you used to notice this barely catchy, now it will react to voices much brighter. The most native voice for him will be Mamin, and then descending, depending on how often some kind of relatives are seen with it. By the beginning of the second month of life, the baby may not respond to unfamiliar voices, but during this month it begins to hear them all, showing his reaction.

It is during this period that toys with lulled melodies become effective, since the child remembers their motive and hears clearly.

What a child should be able to 2 months - the appearance of emotions

At the age of two months, you will see an informed smile on the face of your baby. He will smile mom, dad, joyful or funny events, a new toy. Along with this, you can start distinguishing the cry of the baby: it will show in different ways, from which he has tears.

It is from two months that the child begins to actively show his facial expressions, repeat behind the parents.

What the child should be able to 2 months - curiosity

Now the baby grabs all the items around him as soon as he sees new faces, he certainly wants to touch them.

Children will know the world through curiosity, the baby becomes interesting as one or another subject to the touch. It appears along with the exacerbation of hearing.

If you can give to touch it the subject, then definitely do it.

What should be able to be a child in 2 months - coordination of movements

Now the child better feels his body, less often squeezes cams. His legs will still stay in a bent position, but by the third month the baby's body will begin to decline gradually. A grabbing reflex in the kid will remain long.

The baby is better oriented in space and does not miss when he wants to take something. You will notice how his handles become stronger every day.

Starting from the second month, the kids begin to develop emotionally, respond to the call of parents, meaningfully smile and cry. Their body is growing, and at the same time new opportunities appear: they keep the head, they independently take the spoon in mom.

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