That the child should be able to 3 years

That the child should be able to 3 years

All parents want to know that their three-year-old child should be able to do. Of course, the abilities depend on the attached efforts of the parents themselves. Still, there is a certain list of skills for children of this age.


In three years, the child begins to worry everything that happens around him, so he asks a huge number of questions that the detailed answers want to get. Curiousness and curiosity lead to the expansion of the state of words, which makes up about 300 words. The child begins to use some pronouns, draw up proposals with the right use of verbs. He knows what enters such concepts as "clothing", "furniture", "food". He can not call them yet, by understanding that apple is Fruit is already there.

During this period, the child is able to learn short poars, tell a fairy tale with his parents and describe the picture on the guide questions. ON. able to utter Sounds with the exception of hissing L and R.

Ability to analyze

A child can find a few differences between the three pictures and recognize the same among them. He is demolished by the capture of elementary communication in the chain phenomenon-object, as well as combine similar signs. He can call an extra object in the image where the ball falls and how the train goes. Knows the concepts longer and shorter, wider and already. This list is large enough, for this reason, parents must make an interesting and fascinating process of knowledge of the world.

Hygiene skills

The child must be:

  • to wash and brushing teeth
  • dress and undress
  • shock and fasten buttons with an adult
  • sit at the table and use a spoon
  • use the pot
  • collect toys

There should be an understanding that it is impossible to sit on the asphalt on the street and you can not climb on the bed in shoes. Household skills are instilled in parents, grandparents. If the child does not do something from the list of listed, then this is the wines of exclusively adults.

Motor skills

In three years, the ability to move, so the child should:

  • to go down and climb the steps
  • play with a ball
  • jump
  • turn the pedals of a three-wheeled bike
  • hold balance standing on one leg and leaning

Motor abilities

The flexibility of the child increases, it leads to improved shallow motility. In this period, the kid is actively interested in the following things:

  • in books with bulk colored pictures considers illustrations and turns the pages
  • cuts paper scissors
  • draws elementary figures, man in head, hands and legs
  • writes some letters
  • collects cubes
  • opens the lid on the bottle
  • draws using multiple colors

According to the councils of specialists, you need to develop a motorcy up to school. This ensures the clarity of movements, as well as the correct hold of the handle and as a result of a beautiful handwriting. It is useful to give a child at this age to ride beads on the thread and fold the mosaic. Special games will improve traffic skills. The execution of finger gymnastics every day will bring good results.

Emotions and child imagination

A three-year-old child becomes emotionally independent. The hysteria is becoming less and less. Now he can play with his peers, To put up, becomes queued for any action. That is, at this age he can solve his own problems. In addition, the child should:

  • copy Behavior of friends and parents
  • demonstrate attachment to people who are familiar to him
  • realize The concept of "mine" and "alien"
  • Be able to sadness, angry, rejoice and miss

In addition, parents can notice what The baby develops imagination. So, the child can play a whole performance, showing that a monster sits in the closet.

All the skills and skills of the child are the result of all sorts of games with a developing slope, communication. The rich and diverse period will fill with new sensations and emotions. But it is impossible to overdo it, because it can lead to overexcitation and bad sleep. At this age, it is important to observe the mode of the day, and closer to Snu need to change active games to calmer.

Comments leave a comment
Media Bridge 28/09/2017 at 15:55

Now for parents, so many books write on children's psychology, and everywhere recommend to do from the child of Wunderkind to the 3rd year)

To answer 28/09/2017 at 15:57

We already have a whole stack of them ...

To answer

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