How to grow oak from acorns

How to grow oak from acorns

Try the dub at home - the case is very entertaining and useful. For this, it is enough to have a desire and planting material in the form of ordinary acorns. We will start with them.

Ripen acorns in the fall. During this period, they can be collected in the forest or park.

We choose the fruits without visible damage with the most healthy view. At home they can be washed with soap to remove the dispute and larvae, and then dry a couple of days in a dry and warm place.

In the sand and clay oak does not grow. Therefore, we will grow in a pot in a pot of land from the deciduous forest. In the lying position of the acory, it is placed in a wet land to a depth of 2-3 cm, and three weeks on its surface will appear powerful sprouts. Now they need to watered every day, since the acorns are very intensely absorb moisture.

A month later, we will grow young dubby. After that, the rapid development of its root system will begin. It is time to make a good deed - put a tree. To do this, the yam is digging in the courtyard, in which you need to add black soil. Then the village of the pot transplanted into the prepared open ground.

In front of the winter, our seedlove will lose foliage. Therefore, to determine the vitality of Dubka should wait until spring. If he pleases you again with young foliage, it means that difficulties are behind.

Good luck to you and gratitude from the descendants!

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