How to save roses in a vase

How to save roses in a vase

Roses are an exquisite flower. Here are some general rules so that they remain fresh.

The cut of the purchased roses is recommended to refresh. To do this, score water in the bath. In the water, a sharp knife make a new oblique cut. It is permissible instead of a cut to split the stem with a knife.

Flowers leave in water room temperature for several hours. Do not lower roses in the water completely. The clumsy buds will darken and start chain. Lower only stems into the water. Instead, the bath will fit the bucket. Passed 3-4 hours in water flowers put in a vase. If the roses began to fade, again for a few hours put them in water. This action repeat several times.

In the vase pour ordinary tap water. Leaves, climbed in water, cut. This will prolong the life of roses. We change water in a vase and make slices on stems daily.

How-to save-roses-in-vase

Roses love shadow and do not like neighborhood with other flowers. Therefore, a bouquet of roses alone will stand longer. A column vase is recommended to be installed in an inaccessible to bright sunlight and draft place.

Roses love "feeding". Chemistry will suit import roses. A little means that wash the dishes will destroy bacteria in water, and the colors will not harm. A good option is a combination of aspirin with sugar. Instead, aspirin will suit vinegar. Doses of feeding small. Tablet aspirin and a teaspoon of sugar or vinegar.

Roses spray from the pulverizer. This procedure is done every day. Just carefully, without splashing buds.

If you follow the rules and comments listed, the roses bouquet just like a long time. For almost a month will please your fresh look.

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