What do bats eat?

What do bats eat?

Frequently, bats were considered mysterious animals. They are frightened at the same time and immediately cause great interest. And all because not everyone knows what bats eat. It is worth disassembling preferences in the eating of bats.

Feels manochable varied, depending on their type. By choosing in food, bats can be divided into such groups:

  • Insectivores.
  • Carnivore.
  • Blood citations.
  • Fish.
  • Fruit.

What do the insectiva bats eat?

A larger amount of volatile mice feed on various insects, not highlighting special preferences with a certain type. Catch insectivore bats prey on the fly. To do this, they give out the ultrasound of mouth or nose, then they capture the echo reflected from the insect, instantly calculate the location of production and catch it on the fly. Then again proceeds to the hunt. Methods for fishing from different subspecies are divided into:

  • catches his mouth and in the same moment swallows;
  • catches prey with the help of wings, raking it;
  • catching prey with a folded tailpoint in the form of a cuckoo, which insects are caught.

Literally for an hour, the insectivorous bat eats about a couple of hundreds of insects. Thus, they perform useful features to people, destroying pests. In the megalopolis, an excellent place to accommodate volatile mice are urban landfills.

What do carved carved bats eat?

Carnivorous bats have a couple of species. Their diet consists of insects, lizards, birds, frogs, hares, squirrels, horses and even young deer. And this species can attack itself like mice. The carnivorous bats unmistakably can distinguish a poisonous toad from not a poisonous representative. They catch prey and so how to eat on the summer they can not, then they have to press her torso and wings, then kill it.

What do bloodsowing bats eat?

Blood-suicide bats are only three species. Vampire bats feed on the blood of large wild or home mammals. They go to the hunt with the arrival of twilight. Their external feature is pointed incisors who discover forward. There are infrared receptors on their nose, which serve them in order to choose the most suitable place to bite. The teeth they pierce the skin sacrifice and start drinking blood.

Due to the presence of a special enzyme in the saliva of these animals, blood is not collapsed. Also, it has an anesthetic effect. Some individuals are capable of attacking a person. His bite is not deadly, but at that moment a person can become infected with mortal infections, as the mice are their carriers. From counting for the entire life of a bat, about 10 years, it drinks up to 100 liters of blood.

What do fish bats eat?

Volatile mice that feed on fish, there are only 2 types. In addition to fish, the data of the mice are torn by frogs, lizards, as well as insects. At night, fishing mice go hunting. They fly over the water and react to oscillation, pull it out of the water with rear paws. The small fish of the mouse is eaten immediately, and the larger move into a secluded place, then it is eaten.

What do fertile bats eat?

The delicacy of the volatile mice of vegetarians living in tropical zones are: flowers, trees leaves, young shoots, nectar and pollen. Such mice contribute to the process of pollination of plants. They have a lot of teeth, but the language is long enough to reach the nectar of the flower. And they can eat insects. Bamboo bats living in the Philippine Islands are powered by fruit, berries and fleshy bamboo branches. Lovenos are tagged with nuts and seeds. Weldows chew grass, fruit and love honey.

How do bats feed in captivity?

If the bat lives at your home, the diet will depend on its type. In most cases, volatile mice are like to enjoy diluted condensed milk. In the zoos of mice are fed by insects, frogs, lizards, larvae. Also, in specialized stores you can purchase a balanced feed for bats. And also, it is necessary to ensure the constant presence of drinking water in the cell.

After familiarized with the diet of various types of bats, came to the conclusion - no need to be afraid of these extraordinary animals. Well, if you decide to make such a pet, then weigh all over and against, because bats require special care.

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