Than spider-silver fills his underwater nest

Than spider-silver fills his underwater nest

Spiderman-silver - a famous representative of the Spider-shaped squad, which has become popular as the only spider living under water in the underwater socket - the dome. How does the spider fill his house, woven from the web and how does the brave "scablast" live, breeds, hunts and winter under the layer of water?

Silver Spider or Water Spider

Spiders - the first representatives of arthropods who have mastered land. They live in almost all climatic zones and parts of the world, even in Antarctica. The only one of its kind - Silver Spider returned to the secondary habitat and took a place in the food chain of the fauna with a quiet and peaceful course. The water spider does not differ from other spiders, he adapted to life in water, but the respiratory organs remained the same as all spider-sifted - these are light, trachea and troubles (small holes on the edges of the abdomen breathing through which spider breathes).

Like Silver Spider Builds Underwater Nest

Water spider, like all spider-shaped cobweets, choosing secluded places under the coregami, stones, between the stems of aquatic plants. A web serves as a building material from which the spider builds a castle, filling it with atmospheric air. An experienced spider-diver pops up to the surface of the water, sharply turns over, exposing the abdomen with the breathers through which the air flows into the trachea. The body of the spider is covered with small villings, between which air bubbles are easily located, their spider brings into their nest and shakes with a paws. 5-6 lifts on the surface and the dome of the web and the air is ready.

The role of air capsule in nutrition and hunting

The air dome-socket is located down. Silver Spider, hidden by the abdomen in the air capsule (he breathes through the breathaf in the trouser), leaves on the surface of the puppiest and helper, acting on the role of the jaw, is hunting for fry fish, raschkov. A spider has 8 eyes, but they are poorly developed, he hunts with the help of touch, waits for the victim in configuring his intricate web. Having received the "call" on the signal thread, the spider is dug in it with heliers, drains under the windows of the dome.

Air chamber

The air house is a place where the female lays eggs and protects the cocoon until the outdation of the offspring. It does not eat and only rises to the surface of the reservoir for air portion. The male is more females and they get along in one nest, which is not typical for the spine-shaped. The female eggs lay down in the summer, and by autumn, young spiders already build their nest.

Underwater capsule - place for shelter and wintering

Spider-silver can survive unfavorable conditions in its capsule. In the daytime it hides, and at night it goes hunting. By winter, the spider bursts a strong web, closes the hill of the capsule and is experiencing cold in an anabea state. The capsule is broken during the ice drift and overstream the spider for a large distance, contributing to the resettlement and conquest of new habitats. Often for wintering spiderman uses molluscs.

Spider-silver is a very useful spider animal. He eats mosquito larvae, the remains of insects fell into reservoirs, and also conducts natural selection, using weak and sick fry fry. Silver Spider is listed in the Red Book as an extinct view.

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