Beds for cats with their own hands

Beds for cats with their own hands

When in the house appears fluffy pet at once necessary to define the place for it. To do this you need a special lager. But at pet stores such accessory is expensive, so in order to save money, make it yourself. Material for the manufacture of cribs can become not only the fabric but also an old sweater or even a newspaper.

How to make a couch for the cat fabric

In most cases beds for animals are made of thick fabric. Made at home can be an accessory, even without special skills in sewing. Instead of sewing machine material can be sewn by hand. In addition you will need tissue filler and needle with thread.

  • Step 1. Determine the height and width of sunbeds depending on the animal's size. But keep in mind that the kitten will grow with time. So you do not have a second time to sew a crib for him to correctly calculate the accessory options, taking into account the size of cat breeds.
  • Step 2. Cut a strip of fabric, where its length is equal lounger circle and double the height. Fold the pattern along the wrong side facing in. Conditionally divide the strip into four parts according to the shape accessory. On the first fragment cut recess to pet I could go to my bed.

  • Step 3. The upper portion and one side of the workpiece prostrochite, then remove it. Side with a cutout for passage refill synthetic padding or any other excipient and sew the partition.

  • Step 4.. Continue filling the blank with synthetic padding. When you get to the second side of the border couches, sew the fabric again. So it will be more convenient then rotated.

  • Step 5. In the same way, make two remaining side. Try to stamp much filler to wall sunbeds purchased form.

  • Step 6. The free end of prostrochite. You will get two lateral sides that need to be stitched together.

  • step 7. Do seam on the inside of the sleeping platform, so it will not be visible from the outside. As a result you get is such a blank.

  • Step 8. From dense fabric Cut the rectangle in the size of the bottom of the cot for the cat. Sew the material to the side walls.

  • Step 9. From the material to the tone of the sides, cover the pillow by the inner size of the bottom at the sun bed. First cut out two rectangles, sew from the wrong side, remove and fill in Singyprä. Hole be sure to squeeze.

Advice. To accustom animal to a new place, use special sprays or cat mint.

  • The color and form of the sun bed can be any. Additionally, you can insert a dense cardboard in the wall of the accessory or use the foam rubber.

Lenhing for the cat do it yourself from the sweater

For those who do not know how to make patterns and strain on the sewing machine there is another way to create a sun bed for an animal. Use the old sweater as the basis and the usual pillow. Also prepare any filler.

  • Step 1. Sweaters cut the neck and squeeze it from the wrong side. If it is not, then just sew the material together.

  • Step 2. Then position the cloth on the main part of the sweater along the armpits. So you will determine the height of the rear wall and the beginning of the bottom for the sun bed.

  • Step 3. Sew each sleeve to the body of clothing in a circle. Cuffs Leave free.

  • Step 4. Side parts of the workpiece (sleeves and part near the neck) fill with syntheps. Madely tightly tamper filler to create a durable bed wall.

  • Step 5. Use the pillow instead of the bottom. Put it into the sweaters inside and evenly disappear all over the body from the clothes.

  • Step 6. So that the pillow does not fall out during the sleep of the animal, completely squeeze the Sweaters. At the same time, the seam can be top, and not secret, as in the future it will close.

  • Step 7. Sew the rest of the sleeves to the sweater, while the cuffs are slightly sealed on the front side of the bed for the cat and seek them together.

  • Step 8. The front part is reeling with a small segment of the fabric. For the convenience of seam, first place ahead, and then turn it over and secure the thread.

Lenhing for the cat do it yourself from papier-mache

Products from "Torn paper" are familiar to many since the school. Apply Papier Masha technique is possible to create a sun bed. Prepare a large number of newspapers, PVA glue, food film, tight cardboard and paint for decoupage.

  • Step 1. You must first create a bulk billet that will be equal to the size of the sun bed. Use the blankets, roll them tightly and fix it around the food film. In this way, you can create any form for the foundation.

  • Step 2. Newspapers brush into small pieces. Before placing the workpiece, draw a hole for the input to then do not cut it. Pour water into the container, wet every paper strip, then fasten on the form. The first layer is covered with water. Each next page of the paper is fixed on glue, which is pre-diluted with water. You need to apply 10-12 layers of the newspaper. Leave the workpiece for a day until complete drying.

  • Step 3. When the form hardens, pull out the plaid. External pieces of paper are removed, and sharp corners are stuck. Also align the cut line at the entrance to the house.

  • Step 4. First decorate the outside of the sun bed, apply the paint or drawing. The layer of funds must dry in front of further actions.

  • Step 5. Now pull the inner wall of the workpiece. After the paint dries, glue the bottom of the cardboard.

  • Step 6. So that your pet is comfortable, lay a soft rug or a small pillow inside the house.

Make it yourself lying bed for a pet very simple. To do this, use one of the master classes.

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