How to make a house for a hamster?

How to make a house for a hamster?

The hamster, probably, is the most harmless and unpretentious pet, but at the same time, it is so cute and fluffy. He does not require a lot - feed in time, let's go and sometimes remove. But every caring owner wants his little fluffy friend to be comfortable, and therefore, hamster must have a house. In fact, it is not necessary to buy a ready-made house in the store, you can build this design with your own hands, and then your hamster has an original and comfortable house. Let's deal with more in more detail, from which you can make a house for a hamster and how to produce this process yourself.

What makes the house hamster?

Immediately, I would like to say that for the purposes under consideration, any materials and items that will be at hand, which simplifies the whole process makes it possible. You need to pay your attention only to the fact that the selected material does not harm your pet:

  • material must be durable and strong
  • non-toxic (if you are road hamster life)

Most often, do your own hands make houses for hamsters from the following materials:

  • tree (here will rise here. Planks, rails, tricks, etc.)
  • coconut (to be more accurate, then its shell)
  • glass of organic type
  • plastic or plastics
  • cardboard (the main thing is that it is durable, and then hamsters love to run something)
  • plywood residues
  • ceramics, etc.

You should not use as a material for the housing of your pet Petro OSB, because hazardous substances will always be distinguished from it, which can harm health, and sometimes, even the lives of small hamster (resins, formaldehyde and methanol). The same composition and in the oriented chipboard. In turn, the foam and polyurethane are also not suitable as the basis for the housing of your hamster, they hurt them are dangerous for him.

When you choose the material for the manufacture of housing, give your preference better materials of natural origin. It is also worth knowing about the minuses of using such materials:

  • The hamster will gradually make his home.
  • Food and urine on natural materials will cause the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which will be difficult to get rid of.

Despite this, do not try, for example, a wooden house to open with varnish or other protective composition, because your hamster will poison and may not survive in such conditions.

House of wood

First, let's look at the step-by-step instructions for the construction of a tree hamster. First, we are determined with the materials that will be useful to us in this process:

  • Sowing of wood. They should not be painted and the best option, if it is boards of fruit trees.
  • Line (no matter what material it will be done) and pencil
  • Nails and hammer
  • Wooden surface cutters
  • Lobzik (Also suitable for grinding or saw from electricity)
  • Paints
  • Drill

Manufacturing instructions in detail:

  • First you need to make a drawing of your future house. Its parameters will directly depend on who will live in it (the weight and volume of the inhabitant, which depend on the breed). If this is a Jurgarik, then it is enough a house of 12 cm high, 10 width, 15 cm high.
  • We celebrate on our wooden material all the necessary pencil size. We all check several times to not redo it.

  • On the table will also need to put the door to the house in the house, and if you want the windows (usually make them round so that there are no sharp corners). The diameter of the windows in this case can be made no more than 1.5 cm.
  • Do not forget that each house should have a roof that is also placed on the boards. It is advisable to make it with the allen (approximately 1.5 cm).
  • Now it's time to cut all the necessary details from a wooden material. You can do this in different ways, but the logsik in this case is an indispensable assistant.
  • When all parts are cut, you can proceed to the immediate assembly of a hamster house. To begin, it is necessary to bind over one part of the roof with the wall part. Do it all needs with small nails, so that their ends are not sticking out of wood (it is dangerous for the life of a hamster).
  • In order for the roof it was easier to nourish to the walls, you can first attach to the upper part of one of the rack walls, which can then be attached to the roof itself.

When the whole design is collected together, we look at it well, so that there are no sharp ends and the tips of the nails on the surface, as inside the house there was no.

House of plastic

Another very simple version of a house for a hamster, this is a plastic design, for the manufacture of which we will need:

  • feltolsters
  • matches
  • knife stationery
  • plastic bottle
  • scissors

Phased instructions:

  • We apply markup on the bottle (enough will be at 1.5 liters). We measure the height of the future house from the upper part of its lower part.
  • Now we cut a bottom of the bottle and attacks to cut the entrance door, the height of which determines the size of the resident of this house.
  • In order for all the cut-off lines to be smoothly falling by their matches or lighter.
  • Now we can decorate the house with a marker and launch our hamster there.

Now you know how quickly and just do a house for your hamster, especially since you will not need any special costs for this, and there will be very few times for the manufacture. If you want to surprise your hamster and others, you can make a house for him from a coconut shell.

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