Than feeding Malkov

Than feeding Malkov

Are you a beginner rainer of aquarium fish and did you get to bring the first offspring? Then you will be interested to know how to correct the feed into the diet of a small fish.

Rules and products for frying fry

There are several rules for feeding the fry:

  • Frys that come out of caviar, very small, so small food is needed for them
  • Food that moves, attracts fry
  • To create a full and nutrient diet, you need to use several types of feed

Consider basic baits for young aquarium fish.

Egg yolk

  • The egg is drunk by screwing
  • Yolk, several grams of which are sent to any water container, for the formation of egg suspension
  • While the suspension is in the thickness of the water, it is happy to eat fry


  • Just prepares, inexpensive and affordable
  • One yolk is enough, about 1 month, but you need to cook all the time


  • You should not add a lot of yolk at once, the fories are not eaten it, and the food decomposition products poison water, which can lead to fish death
  • Even after filtration, large particles of feed can remain on the bottom and disappear

Dry egg yolk

  • Can be purchased at pet store
  • Make yourself: boil the same egg, separate the yolk. Next, we take the yolk, crushed it and prettier
  • In lures, fools are given in bulk or can be divorced with water


  • Dry yolk is convenient for feeding frying fish

Liquid branded feed

  • Ready to use the product, diluted with water. Proportions need to be clarified for each specific species of fish and fry


  • Great for any kind of fry
  • Maybe for a long time to be in the thickness of water, which helps the fools sufficient

Dry flakes

  • Suitable only for the feeding of large fry

Live feed

  • Prepared on the basis of living organisms: nematodes, infusories, nauduli Artemia, microorganisms
  • Suitable fools that refuse artificial feed


  • Dirty worm, can live in aquarium about a day
  • To maintain the life of nematodes, it is necessary to create an acidic nutrient medium, in which acid-resistant bacteria will multiply, as the main power source worm
  • The nutrient medium for bacteria is prepared by mixing apple vinegar and purified water in the same proportions, to the mixture you need to add 2 h. Sugar and a couple of pieces of purified apple
  • Then, in a lane solution in which the bacteria spread, the worms themselves are added.
  • Before adding ready-made live food to aquarium, nematode culture needs to be filtered from the nutrient medium.


  • Nematodes do not pollute water
  • With pleasure eating fry
  • The finished culture of nematodes can be purchased in pet stores or in fish razers


  • Get the culture of infusories simply, you can dial water from the reservoir and defend a few days, or create a special bait from the banana peel, pumpkins and hay, put in the sun


  • Fit for feeding small fry


  • The risk of infection of the aquarium by other pathogenic organisms, since the flora can develop in the culture of infusories, toxic for fry
  • The period of life of the infusories is shorter, so the culture of microorganisms should be changed more


  • Select some water from the aquarium and put in the sun when the water will turn it out, pour it back
  • With the sunlight, the phytoplankton growth occurs, which is in any aquarium


  • Eat such food all kinds of fry, starting from the first days of life
  • Simplicity and availability of breeding in the warm season
  • This feed is enough for several days


  • It is hard to get a culture of algae in the cold season

As you can see, today there is a huge number of all sorts of feed even for such little creatures. Choosing food in pet stores, be sure to check with the sellers, for what types of firks it is suitable, because the feeding at this stage plays a huge role.

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