Why do cats purr?

Why do cats purr?

There is a characteristic and unique sound in cats - this is purring. This is one of the most favorite sounds of cat lovers. Every cat owner heard him. Cat rumbling is not a trifle, because a lot of cats for him! However, this peculiar sound is not exceptional for domestic pets, it is present in other wild cats, such as a cheetah and puma.

What is purr?

  • Some authors define purrabia as a soft and continuous buzz, which are accompanied by a tangible vibration in the body of the animal.
    Another feature of the purrin is that it rhythmically changes with the breathing of the animal and, it seems more intense and audible during inspiration.
    Cottage purr will appear at the age of two days, and its intensity increases over the next weeks, becoming similar to the rice of adult cats to the age of 5 months.
  • According to one of the studies, there are various types of purr, which the cat can use in different situations. It was found that domestic cats can publish "useful purring" to use it to achieve their needs. Just as a child crying to "demand" his food, cats can use purr for the same function. In fact, it was noted that this useful purring reaches frequencies more like a human cry so that we are more susceptible to it.
  • Murlykany sound waves have frequencies between 25 and 150 Hz. These levels studied in other areas that are not associated with cats can contribute to such processes as an increase in bone density and scar dissipation.


How does the cat purrab?

  • Over the years, numerous theories about the mechanisms that generate purring were described. One of the first, was formulated in the 1960s, this is the so-called "hemodynamic" theory, according to which purring is caused by blood passage through various angles of large breeded vessels of the chest. However, subsequently, this opinion was recognized as erroneous.
  • Later it was believed that it was the vibration of a soft sky that causes this characteristic sound, but at present the most adopted theory is that it is created by modulating air flow passing through the larynx. Thus, in compression of the gentle muscles, a partial and repeating closure of the voice slot occurs, which causes changes in air pressure passing through it, which leads to a typical vibration of purrong. On the other hand, the diaphragm compression during breathing makes the sound continuous.


What does the purring cat mean?

  • Of course, you ever wondered why the cat is purr, and you are not alone in these reflections. In fact, this phenomenon was the subject of research many times, and there are different conclusions. However, there is no final theory, the reasons for purrity, as cats do it in different situations.
  • The most common is that the purring of the cat occurs when the animal is feeling comfortable, calm and happiness. However, purring is not a synonym for gratitude or pleasure, cats purr from the feeling of strong emotions. Therefore, they also empty this sound if they are afraid, angry or sick.
  • Cats can purr with other cats, and in this case it can be a way to avoid fights, transfer a message about peace of calm and not "quarrel unwillingness."
    Cat can already purrab from the second day of life. This purring is used between the mother and the child to be able to communicate, orient to know that everything goes well. The baby is purr, and his mother can answer him. In this case, the purring is a means of communication used when practically no other ways to do it.
  • Cats do not just purr it when they are in contact with another animal, cat or man. They produce their own kind of buzz with the intention to capture the attention of their owners when the eating time is approaching.


Purring soothes and treats us

  • There are studies that show that purr can be positive for our health. A wonderful way to calm the child is to put the purrily cat nearby.
  • Cats give their owners much more than emotional support. They can promote well-being of physical health. When the animal is purred, it creates vibrations 20 and 140 Hz, which are considered therapeutic for many diseases.
  • Each year, millions of people suffer from a heart attack. Thanks to the purr, cat owners have a smaller cardiac attack for 40%.
  • Vibrations that emit purulently cats are especially useful to prevent anxiety attacks in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • The purr is a pleasure that can be an ideal painkillers for people. Put a cat, purr, reveracted to sleep with you, will reassure you and remove the spasms (even if it becomes a bit piercing).

If we could translate the cat's speech, then the messages sent to us would sound like this: "I need help," "I really would like you to stay with me for a while", or "I am happy", "I want to eat tasty" .
In short, cats learned to inform their voice some of their feline secrets or more intimate needs. It seems that these fluffy friends found a way to purr to make their life (and the lives of those who live with them) more pleasant and simple.

With a girl

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