How to feed chickens?

How to feed chickens?

Growing a house chickens is an activity that requires great care and attention. Newborn chickens are very fragile, but proper care and food can help them be healthy and strong until they reach maturity. If you think to raise chicks at home, you found to the right article. Learn more information about how to feed chickens.

Breeding with love

  • The cultivation of chickens is a good business, but it's not just that it is right and abundantly feed chickens. You need a dedication, effort and love so that the chickens are healthy and be able to achieve perfect weight. You must understand that you are receiving parents of chickens for the first day. The first hours of life are the most important. They will subsequently affect the productivity of birds.
  • The premises should be prepared and inspected the day before the arrival of the chickens. It is necessary to provide fresh and rich oxygen air for newborn chicks.
  • Lack of attention to detail in the first few hours after birth, will not allow you to provide high survival and weight gain.
  • In the first days of the life of the chickens, the thermoregulation system does not work. Therefore, they must remain in a closed medium with a very uniform temperature so that they are not overly lost heat.


Food in the first two weeks of life

In the first 24 hours from the moment of birth, chickens do not give food and water, because they still live on nutrients obtained from yolks. Chickens begin to eat normally from the second day of life. Water that you give chickens should be fresh and clean, have a temperature of about 20 C.

The first food they get should consist of:

  • Egg yolk cooked twisting;
  • Sweet cottage cheese;
  • Sour milk;
  • 25-40% of corn and 20-25% of wheat.


  • On the third day, add chickens chickens into the diet. If the growing season has not yet come, add herbal flour.
  • At the beginning of the second week you can finish mushrooms, boiled milk and broth.
  • From the tentony day, add the grated carrots, zucchini, boiled potatoes.
  • Even in the chicken menu you need to add a crushed shell or chalk (no earlier than 10 days).
  • Chicks must quickly learn how to consume food so that their digestive system has a quick anatomical and physiological transformation. Fast food intake contributes to the effective development of the immune system.


  • Also, chickens must learn how to consume water to compensate for dehydration. They need water to consume food (they produce little saliva), and therefore they say that "the chickens eat, because they drink."
  • The quality of the diet in the first week is fundamental.
  • Up to ten days of chickens need to feed with two-hour intervals, after reaching 10 day age, the amount of feedings decreases to five times a day.

Power after 20 day age

  • From the twentieth day of the bird's life can eat everything: add fish or meat or bone flour to the diet. It is not necessary to buy ready-made dry foods for chickens, prepare a mixture of grains for the bird yourself, it is easy. It is enough to mix wheat (0.2 parts) and corn (0.35 parts) with oats (0.1 part) and barley (0.2 parts).
  • When the 5th week comes, you can offer chickens of chopped vegetables, insects and crumbs to supplement their balanced diet, get fat, protein and carbohydrates.
  • After the first 4 weeks you can open windows and doors for air circulation, it must be done so that the chickens can adapt to climate change.

On the grass

  • Clean drinking trays and feeders daily. You must perform weekly floor cleaning.
  • Over time, chickens will increase their need for food. Keep feeders in full.
  • If 6 weeks have passed, congratulations! You have done a good job, chickens are on the right path.
  • The chicks of meat breeds eat food much more than eggs rather than eggs. For this reason, they should daily raise the amount of food by 10-15%.
  • Gentle gastrointestinal chickens are extremely poorly digesting large grains, so the first time grain is desirable to sift through the sieve.
  • The necessary additive when feeding is fish fat, which is advisable to give, mixing it with crushed grains.
  • Each chicken must be strong and alive. If there are weak chickens, which remain aside and feed on oversized foods - it is better to embroider such kids and feed separately. They quickly "come to life."


Is it useful for chickens?

  • To develop, remain healthy and diligently, the chickens are desirable enough to consume nutrients, vitamins, important minerals and trace elements.
  • Grains with high starch - corn, rice and peas provide good digestible energy and produce bird saturation.
  • Sunflower seeds, useful for smashing hens. They have valuable oils and essential fatty acids.
  • Soy, peas and seeds contain indispensable amino acids and easily absorbed protein. Rapese and field beans are also good sources of protein, but in large quantities they cause an unpleasant taste in the eggs.
  • Feed, such as salad, greenery and alfalfa, are an optimal addition to the main stern and provide vitamins C and A. Vitamin A provides a bright color of the yolk in the egg.
  • The unique task of our chickens is to carry a new egg in the shell almost every day. Therefore, a complex mixture of minerals in the stern for chicken is required.


Although you must show maximum attention and care, do not become too tied to them, it will still have to part.

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