Very often, people have a wavy parrot, going on their children. The kids are asking to buy a kitten or a puppy, but parents decide to do a beautiful bird. The parrot, sitting in a cage alone, begins to stick and die very soon. If the lustful parrot create special conditions for residence in captivity, he will be able to become a real family member and live a long life.
How many wavy parrots live at home if they correctly contain
Unlike nature, where the birds threaten predators, natural cataclysms and epidemics of diseases, in the apartment parrots can live much longer. In natural conditions, the parrots rarely live up to 3 years, and in the human company they may even become long-livers. The literature has mention that these small colorful birds in captivity sometimes live up to 20 years old, but these are isolated cases. Usually their life is limited to 8-10 years, but under very favorable conditions can be hoped for 13-15 years.
Favorable conditions for residence of wavy parrots at home
To the parrot lived for a long time, the following conditions should be provided to him:
- Proper nutrition.
- Light mode.
- Spacious cell.
- The ability to fly around the room.
- No cat or dog in the house.
- Communication with man.
Food for the long life of a wavy parrot
In nature, the parrots eat different grains and greens, so that they need to feed them in the same way. The feed mix is \u200b\u200bbetter to buy in a specialized store. In addition, the parrots can be given vegetables and fruits: cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, bananas, kiwi, apples. Herbal supplements are better to give from their garden-garden so that they are not nitrates. In the period of molting and winter birds require mineral feeding. It can also be bought in the store.
Light mode for the long life of wavy parrots
In nature, birds depart to sleep when the sun goes beyond the horizon. In the house, the same cell stands in the room where electrical lighting turns on in the evening. It is it that knocks down a natural rhythm in the parrot organism, and the bird begins to experience stress. That this does not happen, the cell in the evening is recommended to be taken into a room where the artificial light does not turn on.
In the morning, the bird wakes up with the first rays of the sun and begins to actively tweet and try to fly through the cage. Some owners in this case are covered with a dark bedspread, so that the bird does not interfere with the household sleeping longer. It is impossible to do this - the parrot should live in its natural laws. Then his life will be long and happy.
Cage for the long life of the wavy parrot
The cage for a wavy parrot need to buy very spacious and with all sorts of interesting things. The mirror, the ladder, rocking stages from the bar, hanging rings - all these cute little things will decorate the life of the pet and it will be active and vigorous. Also in the cell there must be a special drinking bowl and feeder.
The cage must be regularly cleaned, drinking and feeder - wash, and toys change places or buy new ones.
Other important factors for the long life of wavy parrots
A wavy parrot is a very active bird. He loves to fly and he needs to provide it. It is necessary to produce it from the cell every day for at least a couple of hours, and then lure in the house with food. When he gets used to such walks, then walks can be enlarged. After 2-3 months, the wavy parrot will already fly into the cage for night sleep or feeding. In the room where the parrot will make its air veneer, you can not keep large mirrors and the window should be closed. The mirror of the bird can take over the window and crash about it, and in the window it risks just fly to the street.
Parrot Creek It is necessary to know that the presence of cats or dogs in the house can be a huge stress for him. Especially dangerous cats that will hunt for bird.
It is worth taking care that there are no drafts in the room with a cell, it was not very cold, wet, hot or dry. The optimal temperature of the surrounding space for the bird is 20-25 degrees.
The wavy parrot is considered a very social bird. It is in mind that he loves a man very much and considers him his friend and a member of the flock. With the bird you need to talk often, put it on the shoulders, ironing on the head. Such attention from a person gives a parrot the most positive emotions and he does not have stress from being in captivity.
If the wavy parrot behaves strangely (sits fucking, does not eat, does not fly, not tweet), then it needs to be quickly delivered to the veterinarian. It is possible that the bird fell ill with any specific bird virus. Competent treatment will help the pet to come back and he will again please the owners with his cheerful view and carefree chatter.