Broilers are birds that are grown to obtain meat. In order to grow them about 7 weeks. During this time, the weight of the broiler increases by about 2-2.5 kg. Sometimes the weight of the bird can achieve even 4-5 kg. If you decide to grow broilers at home, then you need to correctly pick up the diet for them and create favorable conditions for their growth.
How to grow broilers at home - content
All chickens must be in a comfortable chicken coop. It is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness and in case of the appearance of mud clusters there or damp in the litters, it is necessary to immediately remove everything to prevent the reproduction of bacteria. In the chicken coop should not be too stuffy. It is necessary to install ventilation so that air flows periodically fall into the room. So that the broilers move less and gained weight, it is necessary to reduce the lighting intensity in the chicken coop.
It is equally important to install a litter correctly. It can be made of sawdust, special materials, or wooden chips. Even 2 days before checking the chickens, it is necessary to reduce the humidity of the air to 65 percent and set the temperature at the level of 25 degrees. A few days later, the temperature lift up to 30-35 degrees and increase the humidity of the air to 70 percent. Such indicators must be permanent within 6-7 weeks. After that, the air temperature is gradually reduced to 18 degrees.
Broilers can be grown in cells. In this case, you will not need to constantly monitor the level of pollution and constantly disinfect it. In one cell there may be no more than 10 broiler chickens. In the chicken coop, one square meter should have 12 broiler chickens.
How to grow broilers at home - feeding
Properly selected diet is important conditions for growing healthy and sweaturated broilers. From the very first days of life, a very small chick should receive all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.
Very small chickens are fed about 6 times a day. They can use cottage cheese and eggs, as well as drink a hamberry or chamomile decoction. Broilers can not be given raw water, as it can affect their gastrointestinal tract. After the chickens turn 10 days, it is possible to give them a vitamin grain mixture, which will include wheat, oat and corn flour, as well as grinding nettle. 5 days later, mineral feed, carrots and fresh greens can be introduced into the diet. Starting from 20 days, you can transfer chickens on dry feed, which are eating adult birds. It is still necessary to ensure that the birds grab the liquid.
Such rules will allow even a newcomer to grow fasten broilers. If you are ready to take care of them, you can safely begin the cultivation of broilers.